This program aims to build up the physical qualities that support speed development as they relate to using gymnastic rings.
How to fit these workouts into your current program:
This can serve as the perfect complement to a middle school or high school athlete’s summer conditioning program. Take your gymnastic rings to the park, track, or field and do these workouts after you run. You can also use your rings for sled drags.
Make sure to allow for complete rest between all sets. The workouts in this section may look long, but they’ve been programmed to last 45–60 minutes. Don’t speed through this workout, as it’s designed to help prevent over-training.
Each workout in this program focuses on:
Self-Myofascial Release
3–5 minutes total on all areas
Dynamic Warmup
Perform 2 sets of 20–30 yards each for:
Skips with Arm Circles
Lateral Shuffle
Carioca Quick Step
High Knee Butt Kickers
Perform 2 sets of 10 reps each for:
Prone Scorpions
Walking Lunges with Rotation
Ring Stationary Lateral Lunges
Plyometrics (Jumping) and Reaction Work (Agility)
Perform 2 sets of 5 reps each for:
Rings Squat Jump
Rings Drop Split Squat
Technical Speed
Perform 4 sets of 10 yards each for:
Light Sled Drag High Knee Walk
Work on Knee Drive and pulling your toes up with each step.
Resisted Speed – Acceleration Focus
Perform 8 sets of 10 yards each for:
Sled Drag (moderate to heavy load)
Full speed
Perform the following at full speed:
Hill Sprints (6–10 reps)
Strength Development
Perform 3–4 sets of 8 reps per leg:
Rings Glute Bridge
Rings Stationary Lateral Lunge
Rings Reverse Lunge
Cool down with ice roller or foam roller: 5 minutes total on all areas
Self-Myofascial Release
3–5 minutes total on all areas
Dynamic Warmup
Perform 2 sets of 20–30 yards each for:
Skips with Arm Circles
Lateral Shuffle
Carioca Quick Step
High Knee Butt Kickers
Perform 2 sets of 10 reps each for:
Prone Scorpions
Walking Lunges with Rotation
Ring Stationary Lateral Lunges
Plyometrics (Jumping) and Reaction Work (Agility)
Perform 2 sets of 5 reps each for:
Rings Lateral Ice Skater Jumps
Rings Drop Lunge
Technical Speed
Perform 4 sets of 10 yards each for:
Sled Drag High Knee Walk (light load)
Work on Knee Drive and pulling your toes up with each step.
Resisted Speed – speed Endurance Focus
Perform 4 sets of 20-30 yards each for:
Sled Drag (moderate load)
Over Speed
Perform 3–5 sets of 30 yards each for:
Hill Sprints
Run down the last 5–7 yards of a hill to force a faster run than normal.
Strength Development
Perform 3–4 sets of 8 reps per leg:
Ring Leg Curl
Ring Lateral Lunge
Ring Skater Squat
Cool down with ice roller or foam roller: 5 minutes total on all areas