Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Adam, Robert, 32–33, 53
Adam style, 32–33, 36, 102
Administration Building (Wright), 126
Allen House (Wright), 100
American Architect and Building News, 70
American Bracketed style, 60
American Builder’s Companion, The (Benjamin), 21, 43–45
American Georgian, 17, 24
American House Styles of Architecture Coloring Book (Smith), 159
American Vernacular Revival style, 139, 150
Ames Gate Lodge (Richardson), 76
Andalusia (Latrobe/Walter), 44
Anne Hathaway cottage, 106, 106
Antiquities of Athens (Revett and Stuart), 32
Appleton House, 90, 102
Architect & the American Country House, The (Hewitt), 99, 100
Architects’ Styles, 149–50
Architectural Record, The, xvii
Architecture of Country Houses, The (Downing), 45, 56
Art Deco, 122
Arthur E. Newbold estate, 101, 116
Arts and Crafts style, 52, 91, 99, 108, 149
Atlantic, The, 143
Bacon’s Castle, 3, 6, 6
Barn style, 148, 155, 157
Barry, Charles, 62
Bauhaus, 119, 121
Beauties of Modern Architecture, The (Lafever), 45
Beaux-Arts style, xvii, 75, 80–81
Behrens, Peter, 122
Belton House, 16
Benjamin, Asher, 21, 43
Better Homes and Gardens, 157, 158
Biltmore (Hunt), 75, 78
Book of Architecture (Gibbs), 28
Bottomley, W. L., xx
Breakers, The (Hunt), 84
Breuer, Marcel, 119
Brewton House, The, 28
brownstones, 62
Brutalism style, 132, 150
Builder’s Assistant, The (Haviland), 43
Builder’s Contemporary style, 133
Builder’s Shed style, 135
builders’ styles, 148–49
Bulfinch, Charles, 33, 36
bungalow, xii, 74, 90–91, 96, 96, 128
Burlington, Lord, 20, 20
Campbell, Colen, 15, 20, 20
canales, 110, 110
Cape Cod style, xii, 10, 10
Carson House, 53, 70, 99
Celfalto, house at, 18
centennial exposition, Philadelphia, 70, 89, 102
Chamberlain, Samuel, 116
Champneys, Basil, 53, 53
Chateauesque style, 75, 78–79
Chermayeff, Serge, 120
Chiswick House, 20
Christian Science church (Maybeck), xix
Church, Frederick, 64
classical orders, 19, 22–23, 32
Classicism, xvii, 32, 51. See also Beaux-Arts style
Cleaveland, Henry W., 68
Cockerell, S. P., 54, 64
Coker, Paul, Jr., 158, 158
Colonial Revival style, 75, 89, 99, 102–3; and Appleton House, 90; and shingles, 92. See also Dutch Revival
Colonial style, xiv, 9–14, 102
Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893), xvii, 38, 76, 80, 86
columns, 22–23
Comfortable House, The (Gowans), 73, 74, 120
Compton Wynyates, 2
Contemporary style, 128–39
Cook, Walter, xvi
Corbit House, 17
cornice, 21–23
corredors, 114
Cottage style, 148, 154, 157. See also Swiss Cottage style
Country Life in America, 100, 101, 116
Craftsman style, 90–91, 96–97, 99, 149
Craftsman, The (Stickley), 91, 96, 100, 108
Cram, Ralph, xix
Cronkhill (Nash), 51, 58, 58
cymarecta, 21
Davis, Alexander Jackson, 44, 45
Deconstructionist style, 138, 142, 150
Delano, William, 100
Delano & Aldrich, xx, 100
Designs for Elegant Cottages and Small Villas and Small Picturesque Cottages and Hunting Boxes (Gyfford), 52
Dickens, Charles, 52, 56
Dodge House (Gill), xix, 124
Domestic Architecture of Rural France
(Chamberlain), 116
Downing, Andrew Jackson, xv, 45; and Gothic Revival style, 48; and the Picturesque style, 51; and Swiss Cottage style, 56; and the Italian Villa style, 58, 58
Dutch colonial style, 11–12, 104–5
Early Colonial Revival, 102–3, 148
Eastlake, Charles Locke, 70, 122
Eberlein, H. D., 116
Elements of Style, The (Strunk/White), 143
Elizabethan style, 82, 106–7
Embury, Aymar, II, 104
English colonial style, 1, 9–10, 128
English Renaissance, 2
Exotic Eclectic style, 55, 64–65
Fallingwater (Wright), xxi xxi, 126
Federal style, 32, 33, 36–38, 89, 102
Fort Hill (McKim, Mead & Bigelow), 90
Four Books of Architecture (Palladio), 15, 19
Fowler, Orson Squire, 60
Franklin, Benjamin, 31, 32
Frazer, Elizabeth, 143
French Colonial style, 14
French Rural style, 101, 116–17
From Bauhaus to Our House (Wolfe), 141, 150
Garnier, Tony, 122
Gibbs, James, 28
Gilbert, Cass, xix, 100
Gill, Irving, xix, xix, 124
Girouard, Mark, 53
Glass House (Johnson), 132, 150
Godwin, E. W., 53
Goelet House (McKim, Mead & White), 75, 75, 90
Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor, xix, 112
Gothic Revival style, 44, 45, 48–49, 68
Gothic style, xix, 41, 45, 51–52, 144. See also French Gothic
Governor’s Palace (Sante Fe), 13, 13, 110
Gowans, Alan, 73, 74, 120
Greek Revival style, 38, 43–47, 44, 102; and Federal period, 33; and the gallery, 14; and The Hermitage, 35, 35; and Southern Colonial, 6
Greene, Charles S., 91, 96
Greene, Henry M., 91, 96
Greene brothers, 91, 96
Greenough, Horatio, 89
Griswold House (Hunt), 55, 68, 68
Gropius, Walter, 119
Gyfford, E., 52
H. A. C. Taylor House (McKim, Mead & White), 91, 102
Hacienda del Pozo de Verona (Hearst), 110
Hampton Court, 2
Harkness Tower (Rogers), xix
Haviland, John, 43
Hearst, Phoebe Apperson, 110
Herbert Jacobs House (Wright), xxi
Hermitage, The, 35, 35, 43
Hewitt, Mark Alan, 99, 100, 142
High School for Creative Art, 119
Hitchcock, H. R., 124
Hoff, Robert van’t, xviii
Home Plan Ideas, 158
House and Garden, 100
House and Garden, movement of, xx, 99, 112
House Beautiful, 100
Hunt, Richard Morris, xvii; and the Beaux-Arts style, 80; and the Biltmore, 75; and the Chateauesque style, 78; and the Griswold house 55, 68, 68; and the Second Italian Renaissance style, 84
Hunter House, 17
Imperial Hotel (Wright), xix
India House, 62
International style, xxi, 119–20, 124–25, 153
International Style: Architecture Since 1922, The (Hitchcock/Johnson), 124
Italian Renaissance Revival, 62–63. See also Neo-Mediterranean style
Italian Villa style, 58–60
Italianate style, 45, 51, 55, 58, 60–61, 68
Jacobean style, 1–2, 12, 82
Johnson, Philip, 124, 132, 150
Jones, Inigo, 2, 16, 17
Lafever, Minard, 45
Larkin, Thomas, 114, 114
Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 43, 44
Le Corbusier, 119, 124
“less is more,” 143
Lindeberg, Harrie T., xx, xx, 100
Longwood (Sloan), 64, 64
Lorrain, Claude, 51, 58
Lovell Beach House (Schindler), xviii, 124
Low House, (McKim, Mead & White), 90, 91
Lyndhurst, 44
Macintosh, Charles Rennie, 122
Maison Carrée, 33
Manor Farm (Champneys), 53
Mansard style, 66, 66, 133, 164
Mansart, François, 66
Maybeck, Bernard, xix
McCormick, Harold F., xvii, xviii
McIntyre, Samuel, 33
McKim, Charles Follen, 102. See also McKim, Mead & Bigelow and McKim, Mead & White
McKim, Mead & Bigelow, 90, 90
McKim, Mead & White, 75, 75, 84, 91, 157
“McMansions,” 149
Mead, William Rutherford, 102. See also McKim, Mead & Bigelow and McKim, Mead & White
Mediterranean style, 84, 148
Mellor, Meigs & Howe, xx, xx, 101, 116
Mereworth Castle (Campbell), 20
Miesian style, 132, 150
Minimal Traditional style, 128, 130, 148
Misses Appleton house, 102
Mission furniture, 108
Modern Builder’s Guide, The (Lafever), 45
Modern movement, xix, xxi, 119–21
Moderne, 122–23
Mompesson House, 16
Monterey Style, 13, 114–15
Monticello, 38, 38
Morris, William, 52, 52
Morrison, Hugh, xii, 15
Mount Airy, 28, 28
Mount Vernon, 28, 33, 34
Mountain Rustic style, 148, 153, 156, 157
Museum of Modern Art, 124
Muthesius, Hermann, 52
Nash, John, 51, 54, 58, 58, 64
Neoclassical Revival style, xvii, 75, 86–87, 136, 155
Neoclassical style, 15, 33, 38–39, 148, 149
Neo-Colonial Revival style, 131
Neo-French Eclectic style, 137
Neo-Mediterranean style, 137
Neo-Shingle style, 134, 150
Neo-Tudor style, 82, 106, 136
Neo-Victorian style, 139
Nesfield, W. E., 53
New England Georgian style, 24
Newbold, Arthur E., Jr., 101, 116
Nouveau Traditional style, 138
Oak Park (Wright), xix, 92
Ocean Homes, 149
Octagon House: A Home for All, The (Fowler), 60
Olana (Church), 64, 64
On Writing Well (Zinsser), 143
Oud, J. J. P., 122
Palladian movement, 15, 18, 20, 28, 36, 38
Palladio, Andrea, 15, 17, 19, 32, 38. See also Palladian movement
Panama-California Exposition, 108, 112
Parlange, 14
Penn, William, 26
“pentice,” 26
Perret, Augueste, 122
Philadelphia Athenaeum, 62
Phillips House, xvi
Picturesque style, 45, 48, 51–71
Placzek, Adolf K., xv
Platt, Charles A., xvii, xviii
Popworth, J. B., 52
portales, 110
post office (Georgetown), 62, 62
Postmodern style, 121, 129, 135, 141–43, 150; and the Deconstructionist style, 138; and the Neo-Shingle style, 134; and the Supermannerist style, 134
Potter, Clarkson, 143
Poussin, Nicolas, 51, 58
Prairie School, xvii–xix
Prairie style, 89, 90, 94–95, 99, 100, 108, 128, 148
Prince Regent’s Brighton Pavilion (Nash), 64
Pueblo style, 13, 110–11, 148, 156, 157
Queen Anne style, 53–55, 53, 55, 70–71; and Colonial Georgian period, 15; and Early Colonial Revival, 102; and Neo-Victorian style, 139
Queen’s House, 16
Ranch style, 13, 112, 112, 128, 130, 130
ranchos, 13, 112
Raskin, Eugene, 119
Red Gate (Lindeberg), xx
Red House (Webb), 52–53, 52
Regional style, 129, 150
Renaissance style, xii, 2, 4, 12, 15, 22, 33, 78. See also Italian Renaissance Revival and Second Italian Renaissance Revival
Revett, Nicholas, 32
Richardson, Henry Hobson, 55, 70, 76, 76, 90
Rivendell, 158, 159
Robert T. McCracken House (Mellor Meigs & Howe), xx
Robinson, P. F., 56
Rogers, James Gamble, xix
Romanesque style, 75, 76–77, 82
Royal Pavilion (Nash), 54
Rural Architecture, or a Series of Designs for Ornamental Cottages (Robinson), 56
Rural Homes (Wheeler), 68
Rural Residences (Davis), 45
Rural Residences (Popworth), 52
saltbox style, xii, 9, 9, 10, 157–58
San Geronimo, 110
Saugus Ironmaster’s House, 3
Schindler, R. M, xviii, xix, 124
Schweinfurth, J. C., 110
Scully, Vincent, Jr., 68, 90, 92
Second Empire style, 55, 66–67. See also Mansard style
Second Italian Renaissance Revival, 75, 84–85
Sezincote (Cockerell), 54, 64
“shakes,” 4
Shaw, Norman, 53, 90
Shingle style, xvi, 89–90, 92–93, and the Arts and Crafts style, 99; and the Cottage style, 154; and opulence, 74–75; plans of, xvii; and the Queen Anne style, 70; and the Romanesque style, 76
Shingle Style, The (Scully), 90, 92
Sloan, Samuel, 64
Small Manor Houses and Farmsteads in France (Eberlein), 116
Smith, A. G., 159
Smith, C. Ray, 141–42
Smithson, Peter “Brutus,” 132
Southern Classic style, 148, 155, 157
Southern Colonial style, 6–7, 28, 102, 131
Spanish Colonial Revival style, 108, 112–13, 131
Spanish Colonial style, 13, 114. See also Spanish Mission style
Spanish Mission style, 13, 108–9
Spanish style, 148
Split-Level style, 128, 130, 130
Squerryes Court, 16
Stakes, Joey, 157–58, 157
Stevenson, J. J., 53
Stick style, 55, 68–69, 92
Stickley, Gustave, 91, 96, 108
St. John the Divine, Cathedral of (Cram), xix
Strawberry Hill, 48, 51
Strickland, William, 45
Strunk and White, 143
Stuart, James, 1, 32
Stuart architecture, 16, 28
Sullivan, Louis, xvii
Supermannerism: New Attitudes in Post-Modern Architecture (Smith), 141–42
Supermannerist style, 134, 141, 150
Sweetness and Light—The Queen Anne Movement (Girouard), 53
Swiss Cottage, 55, 56–57, 68
Tara, 6, 46
Taylor house, 91, 102
Thornton, William, 33
Thoroughgood House, 3, 3
Town, Ithiel, 45
Traditional style, 90, 99, 128
Transportation Building, xvii
Traveller’s Club (Barry), 62
Trinity Church, 76
Tudor style, 1–2, 75, 82–83; and the
Elizabethan style, 106, and the Minimal Traditional style, 130. See also Neo-Tudor
Tulip Hill, 18
“Usonian,” xxi, 126
van de Velde, Henri, 122
van der Rohe, Mies, 119, 120, 121, 132, 150
Veblen, Thorstein, 149
Venturi, Robert, 142
Vers une Architecture (Le Corbusier), 119
Victorian Cottage Residences (Downing), xv, 45, 51, 56, 58
Victorian revival style, 62
Victorian style, 55
vigas, 110, 110
villa. See Italian Villa style
Villa Capra (Palladio), 19, 20
Villa Emo (Palladio), 20
Villa Rotonda, 19, 20, 20
Villa Savoye (Le Corbusier), 124, 124
Villa Turicum (Platt), xviii
Village and Farm Cottages (Cleaveland), 68
Villard house (McKim, Mead & White), 84
Vitruvius, 32, 38
Vitruvius Britannicus (Campbell), 15
Voysey, Charles F. A., 122
Walpole, Horace, 48, 51
Walter, Thomas U., 44
Walter L. Dodge House (Gill), xix
Warren & Wetmore, 75
Webb, Phillip, 52, 52
Wentworth-Gardner House, 17
Wentworth, Paul, 41
Westover, 17, 28
Wheeler, Gervase, 68
White Pine Series, 94, 100, 101
White Pine Series of Architectural Monographs, 100
White, Stanford, 90, 102. See also McKim, Mead & White
William Carson House (Newsome), 53, 70, 99
William Watts Sherman House (Richardson), 55, 70
Williamsburg Colonial style, 128, 131
Wingspread, 126
Wolfe, Tom, 141, 150
Woodlands, The, 36, 36
Woolworth Tower (Gilbert), xix
Wren, Christopher, 2, 4, 15, 17
Wright, Frank Lloyd: Fallingwater, xxi; first retrospective of, xvii; houses, publication of, 122; and Imperial Hotel, xix; Herbert Jacobs House, xxi; and McCormick design, xvii, xviii; and Mid-west style, 154; and Modern style, 153; Oak Park house, 92, 92; and Prairie style, 90, 94; Unitarian church, xix; “Usonian” houses, xxi; and Wrightian style, 126–27
Wrightian style, 126–27
Writing for Publication (Potter), 143
Wythe House, The, 28
Zinsser, William, 143