labor rights, 517, 518–20

LaHood, Ray, 433

Lamothe, Laurent, 542

Landler, Mark, 433

Langdon, Ross, 291

Lantos, Tom, 105, 110

Laos, 61

Larkins, Neal, 599

Latin America, 246–68

combined economy of, 254

democracies in, 254, 256, 257, 259, 264

economic growth in, 255

Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas, 255–56

and OAS, 256–59, 262–64, 266, 542–43

“Pathways to Prosperity” in, 254

U.S. relationship with, 246–48, 251

wealth gap in, 254–55

women as leaders in, 256, 261, 571

see also specific nations

Laszczych, Joanne, 599

Lavrov, Sergey, 231, 232, 244, 577

and Asia-Pacific, 243

and Iran, 425, 426

and Libya, 371–72

and Syria, 451–52, 456–57, 458–59, 469

leadership, definition of, 583


Cedar Revolution in, 331

crisis in, 333–34, 337

Hezbollah in, 312, 313, 333, 383, 418, 421, 453

and Syria, 450, 454, 456, 461

and UN, 427, 433

U.S. facilities attacked in (1983), 383, 406, 418

Lee, Euna, 54, 56

Lee, Matt, 98

Lee Myung-bak, 53, 58

Leghari, Begum Nasreen, 177

Leghari, Farooq Ahmad Khan, 177

Letterman, David, 231

Levinson, Robert, 422

Lévy, Bernard-Henri, 368, 369

Lew, Jack, 29–30, 149, 572, 598

Lewis, Reta Jo, 599

LGBT rights, 576–84


civil war in, 274

women activists in, 274–75

Libya, 363–81

“all necessary measures” against, 370–71, 372, 374–75, 450

and Arab League, 213, 357, 367–68, 370, 371, 376

attacks in Benghazi, 382–83, 385, 390–404, 411–14

civil war in, 355, 364–65, 366

elections in, 380, 381, 388

“fog of war” in, 385

Hillary Clinton’s travel to, 377–80

investigations into Benghazi attacks in, 385–96, 406–14

journalists in, 403

law and order needed in, 379, 388

military campaign in, 377

NATO forces in, 213–14, 370, 373–77, 450

no-drive zone in, 376, 377

no-fly zone in, 235, 357, 366–67, 370, 371, 372, 374, 377, 450, 462, 475

Qaddafi in, 357, 358, 359, 360, 363–75, 379, 460, 555

and terrorism, 365–66

transitional government in, 365, 370, 377, 379–81, 388–89, 404, 455, 460

UN embargo on, 364, 370

U.S. staff evacuated from, 368, 380

Zintan brigade in, 378–79

Lieberman, Avigdor, 308

Lincoln, Abraham, 13, 14, 566

Ling, Laura, 54, 56

Li Shuxian, 85

Lithuania, 545–46, 549

Littlefield, Elizabeth, 599

Liu Xiaobo, 63, 97

Livni, Tzipi, 306

Lobo, Porfirio, 268

Locke, Gary, 87, 91, 95, 511–12

Lomellin, Carmen, 599

Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), 290, 467

Louis XV, King of France, 462

Love, Reggie, 2, 11

Lucas, Laura, 599

Lugar, Richard, 234

Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio, 255, 259–60, 261, 263, 430–31, 492

Luzzatto, Tamera, 173

Lyman, Princeton, 599

Lynch, Christopher, 598

Maas, Inge, 598

Maathai, Wangari, 276

Machel, Graça, 294, 297

Machel, Samora, 294

Macmanus, Joe, 599

Madagascar, 272

Magariaf, Mohammed, 388, 395, 396, 404

Magaziner, Ira, 292

Malawi, agriculture in, 279


democracy in, 60

and South China Sea, 113

strategic importance of, 46

waste management in, 501

Mali, 272

Maliki, Nouri al-, 350

Malta, law center in, 200

Mandela, Nelson, 101, 119, 123, 275, 293–98

aging and death of, 296–97

legacy of, 295, 297–98

Nobel Peace Prize to, 298

Manning, Bradley, 552

Manning, Greg, 173

Manning, Lauren, 173, 197

Mansour, Mullah Akhtar Muhammad, 154–55

Mao Zedong, 73, 207

Mardenfeld, Debbie, 173–74, 197

Marine One (helicopter), 147

Markey, Ed, 494

Marshall, Capricia, 27–28, 404, 598

Marshall, George C., 32, 536

Marshall Plan, 536

Martelly, Michel, 543, 544

Merten, Ken, 599

Marton, Kati, 139, 160–61

Marzouki, Moncef, 402

Massey, Stephen, 585

Mbeki, Thabo, 295

McAuliffe, Marisa, 600

McCain, John, 11, 77, 134, 348, 502

McCall, Dawn, 599

McCartan, Joyce, 571

McChrystal, Stanley, 133, 138

McConnell, Mitch, 104, 105, 107

McCullough, Terri, 600

McDonough, Denis, 28, 436, 466–67, 468, 530

McFaul, Mike, 243, 551–52, 598

McGovern, George, 249

McGuinness, Martin, 224, 226

McHale, Judith, 179–80, 598

McHugh, John, 134

McLean, Lori, 599

McRaven, Bill, 191, 192, 193–94, 197

Mead, Margaret, 595

Mead, Walter Russell, 122, 196

Medvedev, Dmitry, 230–36, 238, 244, 245, 425, 552

Meehan, Bernadette, 599

Mehta, Hansa, 565

Merkel, Angela, 16, 209–11, 500, 555

Merrill, Nick, 600

Merten, Ken, 529–30


and climate change, 501

drug cartels in, 247, 249–52

economic growth in, 255

environmental programs in, 255

financial crisis in, 247

independence of, 248–49

Mérida Initiative in, 247, 250

and Pacific Alliance, 254

trade with, 246, 510

U.S. consulates attacked in, 249–50, 384

U.S. relationship with, 248–52

Mezvinsky, Marc, 80, 81

mGive, 532

Micheletti, Roberto, 265–68

Michiko, Empress (Japan), 47, 48–49

middle class, 525–26

Middle East, 301–30

Arab-Israeli War (1948), 325

Arab Spring, 49, 121, 200, 272, 331–62, 472

and Camp David Accords, 338, 473, 484

economic decline in, 332

economic reforms in, 344

energy sources in, 350–51

Hillary Clinton’s travels to, 331, 333–37, 479–87

Islamic split in, 352

and Oslo Peace Accords, 301, 303, 305, 307

peace efforts in, 28, 31, 43, 81, 308, 310, 311–14, 315, 323–30, 333

and the Quartet, 323

and Saban Forum, 329

Six Day War, 301, 473

and transitions to democracy, 361–62

violent reactions to offensive video in, 386–88, 399–400, 401–3, 406, 412

Yom Kippur War, 338

see also specific nations

midterm elections:

(1994), 187

(2006), 136

(2010), 234

Mikulski, Barbara, 17

Miliband, David, 207, 427–28

Millennium Challenge Corporation, 537, 544

Miller, Patti, 600

Mills, Cheryl, 27, 28, 86, 87, 123, 527–28, 531–32, 535, 597

Milošević, Slobodan, 138, 141, 150, 221

Mindszenty, Cardinal József, 85, 87

Missionaries of Charity, 58

Mitchell, Derek, 109–10, 112, 118, 121, 123

Mitchell, George, 28, 29, 598

and Israel/Palestine, 313–18, 319, 322, 324, 325, 326, 329

and Northern Ireland, 225, 313–14, 326

Mobutu Sese Seko, 280

Mogadishu, Somalia, 195, 286

Mohamud, Hassan Sheikh, 289

Momeni, Esha, 422

Mongolia, U.S. relationship with, 61–64

Moran, Thomas, 600

Morningstar, Richard, 240, 598


reforms in, 355

street protests in, 399

Morsi, Mohamed, 347, 348, 349, 473, 475, 477–78, 482, 484–86

Mother Teresa, 58–59

Motsoaledi, Aaron, 291

Mottaki, Manouchehr, 434

Moussa, Amr, 367–68, 371

Mubarak, Gamal, 342, 343

Mubarak, Hosni, 347, 361

fall from power, 200, 329, 341, 342–46, 348, 350, 360, 363, 367, 473, 481, 487

and Israel/Palestine, 319, 323, 325, 329, 333, 340

and violent protests, 338–45

Mubarak, Suzanne, 338, 339

Mugabe, Robert, 273

Mull, Steve, 391–92, 599

Mullen, Mike, 129, 147, 148, 196, 407

Munich Security Conference, 344–45, 451

Munter, Cameron, 198

Murkowski, Lisa, 503

Muscatine, Lissa, 30, 560, 598

Museveni, Yoweri, 428, 576, 577

Musharraf, Pervez, 178, 184

Muslim Brotherhood:

and anti-U.S. protests, 347–49

and Arab Spring, 386

and Gaza, 475, 477, 481, 484–86

and Jordan, 351

and Qatar, 475

rise to power, 472–73

and transition, 341, 345, 346, 349, 477

Mutombo, Dikembe, 280

Myanmar, see Burma

Nagorno-Karabakh, 219

Nalbandian, Edward, 219–20

Napolitano, Janet, 190, 251

Nasr, Vali, 155

Nasser, Shada, 336

National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security, 572

National Building Museum, Washington, 5–6

National Democratic Institute, 360

National Institutes of Health, 538

National Intelligence Council, 25

National Science Foundation, 538

National Security Agency (NSA), 244, 555

National Security Council, 22, 146, 190, 370, 464

NATO, 211–14, 242

and Afghanistan, 133, 140, 159, 198, 213, 422

expansion of, 212

in Kosovo, 222, 367

in Libya, 213–14, 370, 373–77, 450

and September 11 attacks, 205

and Washington Treaty, 205

Nelson, Chaniqua, 598

Netanyahu, Benjamin “Bibi,” 306–8

and elections, 306

and Gaza, 478, 481–82, 484–87

and Iran, 307, 308, 438, 441, 445

and Jerusalem, 317–18, 320, 321, 328

and peace process, 301–2, 313, 316, 319, 322, 323–29

and settlement construction, 315–16, 317–20

and two-state solution, 317

Netanyahu, Benzion, 307

Netanyahu, Yonatan, 307

Newseum, 556–57

New START (New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty), 234, 243

New York University, 89, 97, 99

New Zealand, 44

Nides, Tom, 30, 198–99, 388, 410, 598


oil from, 276, 440

and resource curse, 522

and UN, 427–28

waste management in, 501

Nigerian bank scam, 547

Nixon, Richard M., and China, 65, 68, 69, 93, 121, 313

Nixon Administration, 136

Nkoana-Mashabane, Maite, 296

No Ceilings: The Full Partnership Project, 585

Norman, Adrian, 598

Northern Distribution Network, 237–39

Northern Ireland, 224–26, 326

Good Friday Agreement, 224–25, 226, 313

Hillsborough Agreement, 226

Vital Voices Conference in, 224, 571

North Korea, 53–58, 79

in Axis of Evil, 419

and Burma, 104, 107, 120

Cheonan incident, 56

and DMZ, 57

nuclear capability of, 53–55

repression in, 61

sanctions against, 55, 57, 235, 432

Norway, melting glaciers in, 501–2

Nossel, Suzanne, 33

Nuland, Toria, 347, 599

Nye, Joseph, 33

Obama, Barack, 600

and Afghanistan/Pakistan, 129–30, 132, 141, 145, 146–49, 159, 237

and Africa, 270, 288, 290, 292

and Asia-Pacific, 45, 54, 55, 56, 74, 77, 112–14, 116, 121–22, 124–25

and bin Laden operation, 170, 192, 193–94, 196–97

and climate change, 491–93, 499–500, 504–5

as Commander in Chief, 392

and counterterrorism, 190

and Europe, 206, 214, 220

and financial recession, 210

and foreign investment, 516

and foreign trade, 515

and Haiti, 530–31, 534, 538

and Holbrooke, 162

Hillary Clinton working with, 18–19, 51

and Latin America, 248, 249, 251, 253, 254, 257, 259, 262–63, 264, 265

and Mandela, 296–97

and Middle East, 332, 335, 339, 343, 370, 372, 373, 375, 392, 397–98, 400–401, 455, 461, 463–67, 472, 478, 480, 483

oath of office, 19

and “the Obama effect,” 206

and Pakistan, 198

as President-elect, 11–19

and presidential race (2008), 3–4, 5, 6, 8, 10

and primaries (2008), 1–2, 3–4, 8, 15, 22, 420

reelection of, 591

and Russia, 230, 232–34, 235, 236, 238, 242, 243–44

and Secretary of State offer to Hillary Clinton, 12, 15–18, 19, 420

Senate campaign of, 2

West Point speech by, 147–49, 159, 163

Obama, Michelle, 8, 9, 297

Obama, Sasha and Malia, 8

Obama Administration:

Cabinet and team members, 22–25

and China, 68, 432

and drone strikes, 183–84, 185

and Iran, 416, 419, 420, 421, 423–25, 427–29, 433–34, 436, 438–39, 442, 445–46

and Israel/Palestine, 304–5, 306, 313, 315–17, 320, 321, 322, 326–27

Presidential Policy Directives, 534

and reelection, 591–92

Oberly, Kay, 34

O’Connor, Michael, 598

Odinga, Raila Amolo, 278

O’Leary, Ann, 600

Oliver, Mary, 589

Olmert, Ehud, 301, 305, 306

Olsson, Kurt, 378–79, 414, 599


Hillary Clinton’s travel to, 334, 336–37

and Iran, 416–17, 419, 434–38, 442, 444–45

Omar, Mullah, 130, 157, 158, 165

O’Meara, Joy, 598

O’Neill, Peter, 569

One World Clean Energy, 295

Open Skies Agreements, 516

Operation Cast Lead, 304

Operation Eagle Claw, 192, 193

Operation Neptune Spear, 194

Operation Pillar of Defense, 477

Operation Tomodachi, 48

Operation Unified Protector, 377

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 570

Organization for Security and Cooperation, 554

Organization of American States (OAS), 256–59, 262–64, 266, 268, 433, 542–43

Organization of Islamic Cooperation, 140, 574

Ortega, Daniel, 263

Orwell, George, 103, 110

Oslo Peace Accords, 301, 303, 305, 307

Otero, Maria, 599

Ottoman Empire, 214

Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), 539

Pacific Alliance, 254

Pacific Island Forum, 497

Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza Shah, 341, 417


Afghanistan border with, 131–32, 146, 155–56, 171, 198, 199, 233, 237

al Qaeda in, 138, 148, 164, 171, 183, 186–87

bin Laden in, 164, 165, 192, 193

counterterrorism in, 189

drone attacks in, 183–84, 185

economic hardship in, 176, 198

Hillary Clinton’s travel to, 176–77

and India, 59, 140, 156, 171, 178, 185, 186

ISI, 154, 171

soldiers killed by U.S. forces in (2011), 198–99

sovereignty of, 171, 186, 197, 198–99

Taliban in, 131, 151, 154, 156, 164, 171, 175, 178, 181, 186, 198, 237

terrorism in, 59, 176, 180–81, 182–87, 188, 197, 199

trade with Afghanistan, 155–58

USAID in, 141, 182

U.S. relationship with, 18, 171, 176, 178–80, 181–82, 185–87, 193, 197–99

Palestinian Territories:

birth rate in, 312

and Camp David Accords, 338, 473, 484

and cease-fire, 349

and East Jerusalem, 317, 319, 320, 328

and elections, 309

and Fatah, 309, 472

flag of, 301, 325

and Gaza, see Gaza Strip

and Hamas, see Hamas

Hillary Clinton’s travel to, 482–83

and Israel, 301–30

and Palestinian Authority, 474

and statehood, 304, 311, 312, 326, 328, 329, 482–83

and terrorism, 304, 308, 315, 472

and two-state solution, 305–6, 307, 311, 320, 325, 338, 487

and West Bank, 308–11, 317–18, 322

Palestinian Authority (PA), 308–11, 315, 472, 474, 482–83

Palestinian Islamic Jihad, 473, 476

Palestinian Liberation Organization, 309

Palin, Sarah, 11, 354

Pally, Maura, 600

Panama, trade agreement with, 254, 515

Pan Am Flight 103, Lockerbie, 365

Pandith, Farah, 599

Panetta, Leon:

and Afghanistan/Pakistan, 167, 184, 188

and Benghazi, 405, 407

and bin Laden operation, 191, 192, 196

and CIA, 187–89

and counterterrorism measures, 187–90

as Defense Secretary, 44, 167

and Middle East unrest, 388, 392, 462, 476–77

and New Zealand ships, 44

Papua New Guinea, 568–69

Parks, Rosa, 558, 565

Partners in Health, 540

Pascual, Carlos, 252, 439, 441, 598

Pastrana, Andrés, 252

Pataki, George E., 172

Patel, Nirav, 598

Patterson, Anne, 388, 485

Paulson, Hank, 43, 72

Peace Corps, 277, 534

Pelosi, Nancy, 11

PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief), 291–93, 537, 578

Peres, Shimon, 305–6

Perl, Liz, 598

Persian Gulf, 351–60, 361

and Arab Spring protests, 355

Gulf Cooperation Council, 352, 358–60, 438–39

Gulf War (1991), 351, 438, 477

and Iran, 421

and Muslim Brotherhood, 475

and oil, 440

and Syria, 450, 452, 453, 462

U.S. military support in, 352, 355, 438

see also specific nations


mass transit in, 255

and Pacific Alliance, 254

Pesaru, Shilpa, 600

Petraeus, David, 41

and Afghanistan/Pakistan, 133, 139–40

and CIA, 392, 413

and COIN, 135–36, 138

and Iraq, 133–34, 135–36

and Syria, 462–63

Philip Morris, 510


elections in, 60

and South China Sea, 74, 75, 113

U.S. alliance with, 44, 75, 113

Pickering, Thomas, 406–7

Pinochet, Augusto, 261

Pitsuwan, Surin, 52

Podesta, John, 16, 598

Poehler, Amy, 231


shale gas extraction in, 241

Solidarity in, 566

Porat, Yochai, 303

Posner, Michael, 112, 519, 598

Powell, Colin, 31, 41, 135, 425, 477

Powell, Nancy, 599

Power, Samantha, 370

Prague Spring, 566

Pray the Devil Back to Hell (documentary), 275

presidential elections:

(2008), 3, 8–11, 16

(2012), 591

(2016), 595–96

Préval, René, 529, 531–32, 536, 542–43, 544

Prikhodko, Sergei, 425

Prosser, Julia, 598

Putin, Vladimir, 212, 228–30

and Central Asia, 237, 238–39

and Crimea, 227, 236, 241–42

and Eurasian Union, 239

Hillary Clinton’s meetings with, 229–30, 242–44

and KGB, 231

and LGBT, 577

return to power, 235–36, 238–39

and Russian expansionism, 236, 239, 244–45, 503

and Syria, 455, 466–67

and term limits, 230

and Ukraine, 241, 451

Qaboos, Sultan of Iran, 416

Qaddafi, Muammar, 357, 358, 359, 360, 363–75, 379, 460, 555

capture and death of, 388

fall from power, 381, 383, 450

Qaddafi, Saif al-Islam, 364

Qatar, 351

and Al Jazeera, 318

Forum for the Future conference in, 331, 337

and Gaza, 474–76, 479

geography of, 475

Hillary Clinton’s travel to, 334

influence of, 475

and Libya, 371, 376

and Syria, 453, 463

Taliban in, 164–65, 166, 168

U.S. relationship with, 475

Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, 551

Quam, Lois, 599

Quartet, 323

Qureshi, Shah Mahmood, 180–81, 199

Rabbani, Burhanuddin, 154

Rabin, Leah, 303

Rabin, Yitzhak, 303, 305, 323, 324, 330

Rafsanjani, Ali Akbar Hashemi, 443

Ramesh, Jairam, 495

Randolph, Lawrence, 599

Rapp, Stephen, 599

Rasmussen, Anders Fogh, 212, 376, 500

Reagan, Nancy, 10

Reagan, Ronald, 207, 234, 365

Redelfs, Arthur, 250

Reid, Harry, 17, 144, 234

Reidy, Carolyn, 598

Reines, Philippe, 12–13, 232, 592, 597

Reinfeldt, Fredrik, 500

religious freedom, 574–75

Reynoso, Julissa, 599

Rezaei, Mohsen, 443

Rhodes, Ben, 114, 468, 480, 598

Rhorer, Richard, 598

Rice, Condoleezza, 31, 35, 231, 262, 332, 366, 593

Rice, Susan, 598

and Iran, 428, 432–33

and Libya, 370, 371, 372, 412–13

and North Korea, 54

as UN Ambassador, 23–24, 54, 412, 427

Richard, Anne, 599

Ride, Sally, 309

Riedel, Bruce, 132

Riedel review, 141, 151, 153, 157

Robinson, John, 599

Robinson, Peter, 225

Rodham, Dorothy, 6, 67, 81, 586–89

Rodham, Hugh (brother), 252, 588

Rodham, Hugh (father), 525, 587

Rodham, Tony (brother), 588

Rodriguez, Miguel, 599

Romney, Mitt, 94, 307

Rooney, Megan, 331–32, 580, 581, 582, 598

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 111, 179, 564, 567, 573

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 81, 562, 564

Roosevelt, Theodore, 2

Rosenthal, Hannah, 599

Ross, Alec, 546, 549, 598

Ross, Dennis, 314, 436, 598

Rothberg, Adam, 598

Rouhani, Hassan, 443–45

Rousseff, Dilma, 260–61, 555

Roy, Stapleton, 46

Rudd, Kevin, 43–44, 553–54

Ruggiero, Frank, 157–58, 162, 164–65, 598

Rumsfeld, Donald, 205

Russia, 227–45

anti-gay laws in, 577

and Arctic Council, 502, 503

attacks on the press in, 229, 230

Boeing Design Center, Moscow, 516

and Central Asia, 237, 238–39

and China, 243, 245

and Crimea, 212, 227, 230, 236, 239–42, 363

demographic crisis in, 550

economy of, 229

elections in, 235–36

as energy source, 219, 229, 239–41, 242, 521

expansionism in, 211, 229, 236, 239, 244–45, 503

and Georgia, 229, 231, 236, 239, 451

Hillary Clinton’s radio interview in, 229–30

and Iran, 233, 243, 424–25, 427–29, 431, 433

and Libya, 370, 371–72, 450–51

and Mongolia, 61–62

and Northern Distribution Network, 237–39

and North Korea, 55

nuclear treaty with, 233, 234, 243

and the Quartet, 323

reset with, 231–38, 243–44

re-Sovietization of, 239, 241–42, 245

and Syria, 236, 243, 449, 450, 452, 454–57, 458, 459–61, 466–69

and technology, 557

and Turkey, 219

and Ukraine, 227, 239–42, 451, 521

U.S. relationship with, 230–32, 237–38, 243–45

Russo, Robert, 600

Russo, Seth, 598

Rwanda, genocide in, 369

Saberi, Roxana, 422

Sadat, Anwar, 323, 338

Said al Said, Sultan Qaboos bin, 336

Salazar, Ken, 503

Salcido Ceniceros, Jorge Alberto, 250

Saleh, Ali Abdullah, 335, 355

Salisbury, Lord, 208

Sall, Macky, 273

Samuelson, Heather, 598

Sand, Maria, 599

Santos, Juan Manuel, 253

Santos, Marina, 600

Sarkozy, Nicolas, 208, 209, 364, 368, 372–75, 425, 500

Saturday Night Live, 231

Saudi Arabia:

and Bahrain, 357–59

child marriage in, 352

as Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, 315

and energy resources, 521

Hillary Clinton’s travel to, 353–55

Iran assassination plot against, 437

Khobar Towers bombing (1996), 418, 419

and Qatar, 476

and September 11 attacks, 351

social welfare programs in, 355

and Syria, 450, 453, 463

U.S. consulate attacked in, 384

U.S. relationship with, 351, 354

women restricted in, 352–53, 354–55

Savage, Dan, 578

Schell, Orville, 46–47

Schumer, Chuck, 17, 172–73

Schwartz, Eric, 599

Schwarzkopf, Norman, 335

Schwerin, Dan, 331–32, 597

SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility), 35

Scott (DS agent in Benghazi), 390–91


and bin Laden, 164, 170–71, 174, 193–97

intelligence work of, 199

Secretary of State:

air travel of, 39–41; see also specific nations

avoiding domestic politics, 591

confirmation hearing, 30, 34–35

economic statecraft of, 509

and employee security, 384–85, 393–94, 406–10, 411

and foreign policy architecture, 33

former Secretaries, 31–32

Hillary Clinton’s last day as, 593–94

job offer of, 12–18, 19

office suite of, 35

passing the baton of, 593–94

and public opinion, 179

roles of, 21–22, 33–34, 508–9, 515–16, 566, 591

as senior Cabinet post, 15, 68

and smart power, 33–34, 45, 153, 290, 551, 552

transition team for, 30–31

working with the President, 18–19

see also State Department, U.S.

Seeds of Peace, 304

SelectUSA, 516

Selleck, Michael, 598


constitutional crisis in, 272–74

Hillary Clinton’s speech in, 272

Senussi, Abdullah al-, 364

Seow, Jackie, 598

September 11 attacks:

and al Qaeda, 132, 148, 163, 171, 172–74, 175, 183, 197

anniversaries of, 386–87, 390, 400

and bin Laden, 171, 174, 351

and Bush Administration, 131, 178, 419

and emergency relief, 173, 532

and European support, 205

and failed states, 286

and Ground Zero, 172, 174

and Iran, 419

9/11 Commission, 174

and Saudi Arabia, 351

and Victims Compensation Fund, 174

and War on Terror, 174–75, 189, 197, 228

Serbia, 221–23

Seward, William Henry, 13–14

Shafik, Ahmed, 347

Shah, Rajiv, 527, 538–39, 598

Shaheen, Jeanne, 279

Shailor, Barbara, 599

Shalit, Gilad, 315

Shannon, Tom, 262–63, 265, 267–68, 598

Shapiro, Andrew, 438, 598

Shapiro, Dan, 477

Sharon, Ariel, 312

Sheikh Ahmed, Sharif, 287–88, 289

Sherman, Wendy, 444–45, 599

Shields, Colin, 598

Shillady, Rev. William, 81, 588

Shinseki, Eric, 148

Shourd, Sarah, 435, 436

Shultz, George, 31, 35

Shwe Mann, 117, 122

Sikorski, Rados_aw, 240, 241

Sinai Peninsula, 473–74, 476

Singapore, and South China Sea, 113

Singh, Manmohan, 59, 492, 499

Sinn Féin, 224

Sisi, Abdul-Fattah el-, 349–50

Six Day War, 301, 473

Slaughter, Anne-Marie, 550, 598

Smith, Chris, 95

Smith, Dan, 599

Smith, Fred, 512

Smith, Jeannemarie, 599

Smith, Sean, 382, 389, 390–91, 395, 398, 399, 401, 405, 410, 415

Smith, Stephen, 43–44

Snowden, Edward, 244, 555–56

Solidarity Center, 517

Somalia, 286–91

Al Shabaab in, 175, 199, 278, 286–89, 290, 467

“Black Hawk Down” incident in, 286

as classic failed state, 286

elections in, 287, 289

Mogadishu in, 195, 286

pirates based in, 286, 288

and terrorism, 286–87, 288, 289, 290–91

transitional government in, 289

Somaly Mam, 517

Somare, Sir Michael, 568–69

Sonenshine, Tara, 599

South Africa:

apartheid in, 295

and climate change, 495, 499

economic growth in, 495

HIV/AIDS in, 291–93, 295

and Mandela, 119, 293–98

Robben Island in, 294

South China Sea, 74–76, 78–79, 113–14, 521

Southern Corridor pipeline, 240

South Korea:

Cheonan incident, 56

and climate change, 494

democracy in, 60

and DMZ, 57

Hillary Clinton’s travel to, 50–51, 53–58

and Iran, 440

trade agreement with, 515

U.S. alliance with, 44, 46

South Sudan, 283–86

independence of, 283

oil in, 283–84, 285, 440, 520, 521

Soviet Union:

collapse of, 227, 228, 407, 567

withdrawal from Afghanistan (1989), 21, 131, 147, 178, 186, 233, 461, 537

see also Russia

Stark, Tyler, 375–76

State Department, U.S.:

academic exchanges supported by, 221, 336, 354

Accountability Review Board, 406–10

aviation diplomacy, 516

Bureau of Energy Resources, 439

Cabinet post, 15, 68; see also Secretary of State

career professionals in, 26–30, 135, 414

and chain of command, 374, 408–9

counterterrorism in, 199–200

and democratic values vs. security interests, 333, 335, 340, 349, 351, 359–62, 384, 534, 549, 566

diplomats who died overseas, 34, 188, 250, 382–84, 398–401, 405–6, 415, 529, 594

energy diplomacy, 521–22

and federal budget, 24, 26, 199, 409, 533–34

forward-deployed diplomacy in, 45

and frozen conflicts, 219–29

Heroism Award, 415

and human rights, see human rights

and international development, 534, 539

investigations into Benghazi attacks, 385–96, 406–14

and jobs, 516–17

and LGBT rights, 578–79

and religious prosecution, 574–75

and SelectUSA, 516

and transitions from dictatorship to democracy, 341, 343, 344, 349, 361–62, 379–80

and 21st-century statecraft, 545–57

wicked problems in, 461, 470

and WikiLeaks, 252, 334, 368, 552–55

Steen, Florence, 6

Steinberg, Don, 599

Steinberg, Jim, 29, 41, 43, 598

Steiner, Michael, 158

Stern, Todd, 494–95, 498, 598

Stevens, Anne, 399, 400

Stevens, Chris:

in Benghazi attacks, 382–83, 390–92, 394–97, 410

and CIA briefing, 389–90

death of, 397, 398–99

memories of, 399, 400, 401, 404–6, 415

as Special Representative/Ambassador, 368, 369, 388, 389, 411

Stevenson, Adlai E., 424

Stewart, Karen, 599

Stilwell, “Vinegar Joe,” 103

St. John, Gregory, 173

Stock, Ann, 599

Stone, Elizabeth, 595

Støre, Jonas Gahr, 501, 502, 503

Strait of Hormuz, 421, 437


civil war in, 284

Comprehensive Peace Agreement, 283

and Darfur genocide, 271, 283

and South Sudan, 283–86, 520, 521

terrorism in, 476

U.S. Embassy in, 402

Suez Canal, 340, 473

Suharto, Indonesian President, 51

Suleiman, Michel, 433

Suleiman, Omar, 343, 344, 345

Sullivan, Jake, 30, 159, 580, 582, 598

and Burma, 114

and Chen, 83, 86, 87, 91, 97, 100

and Gaza, 480, 485, 487

and Iran, 422, 434, 435–36, 437, 444

Summit of the Americas:

(1994), 247, 248

(2009), 248

(2010), 253, 259

“Sunni Awakening,” 136, 138, 352

Sun Tzu, The Art of War, 47

Superstorm Sandy, 532

Supreme Court, U.S., 184

Suu Kyi, Aung San, 104, 591

Congressional Gold Medal to, 123

and government reforms, 112, 116, 120

and Hillary Clinton’s visits, 101–3, 115, 118–20

and the Irrawaddy, 110, 111

and Parliament, 61, 118–19, 120, 122

Presidential Medal of Freedom to, 105

and President Obama, 114, 125

release from house arrest, 108–9, 117

travel to U.S., 121–24

and Yettaw, 106–8

Sweden, and climate change, 501, 502


diplomacy conducted via, 435

and Turkey, 219–20

Syed, Zia, 599

Syria, 352, 447–70, 546

Alawites in, 449, 472

cease-fire in, 454–55

chemical weapons used in, 465–69

civil war in, 386, 447, 453–55, 460, 464, 468, 472

disorganized opposition in, 460

extremists in, 450, 461–62, 465, 469, 475

as failed state, 460

Free Syrian Army, 465

Hama massacre (1982), 448, 453

Hezbollah in, 453, 461, 468

humanitarian aid to people of, 361, 452, 453–54

and Iran, 314, 442, 452–53, 456, 460

and Israel, 312, 313, 314, 417, 468

proxy warfare in, 455

refugees from, 450, 463, 464

and Russia, 236, 243, 449, 450, 452, 454–57, 458, 459–61, 466–69

sanctions against, 452, 460

six-point plan for, 454–55, 457

street protests in, 447–48, 450–52

and terrorism, 450, 469–70, 472

training rebels in, 461–64

transition in, 453, 454, 455–59, 469

weapons supplied to, 452–53, 456, 457, 461, 463

as wicked problem, 461–64, 466, 470

Taban, Anngrace, 284–86

Taban, Bishop Elias, 284–86

Taiwan, democracy in, 60


in Afghanistan, 130–32, 133, 138, 141, 143, 145, 148, 152, 153–55, 163–66, 175, 537

and al Qaeda, 131, 151, 158, 163, 164

and A-Rod contact, 157–58, 162, 164–65

and bin Laden’s death, 164

negotiation with, 156–58, 164–67, 168–69

in Pakistan, 131, 151, 154, 156, 164, 171, 175, 178, 181, 186, 198, 237

propaganda of, 141

in Qatar, 164–65, 166, 168

tortures by, 130–31

Talwar, Puneet, 436, 437, 598

Tantalus, 324

Tantawi, Mohamed, 346–47


agriculture in, 279

U.S. embassy bombed in, 131, 383, 406

Tauscher, Ellen, 17, 234, 599

Taylor, Charles, 274, 275

Taylor, Jewel, 274

technology, 545–57

cyber attacks, 547–48

and government surveillance, 549–50

and Israeli defense, 480

male vs. female users of, 585

mobile phones, 546–47, 548

and Newseum, 556–57

and privacy, 547–50, 552–53, 555–57

and Snowden, 555–56

TechCamp, 545–46

WikiLeaks, 252, 334, 368, 552–55

see also internet

Thaçi, Hashim, 223

Thailand, 44, 113, 442, 479

Than Shwe, 52, 106, 107–8, 116

Thatcher, Margaret, 207, 307

Thein Sein:

and elections, 122

Hillary Clinton’s meetings with, 115, 116–18, 120, 124

and Myitsone Dam, 111

as President of Burma, 108–9, 116–17, 123

and reforms, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123

and Suu Kyi, 109, 116, 117, 123, 125

Thomas-Greenfield, Linda, 599

Tibet, 68

Tilleman, Tomicah, 598

Timor-Leste, 591–92

Titanic, 81

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 533

Toiv, Nora, 599

Trade and Development Agency, 539

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 77–78, 254

Treasury Department, U.S., and terrorist financing, 190

Truman, Harry S, 20, 22, 32, 304

Truman Administration, 32

Tsang, Donald, 514

Tubman, Harriet, 14


elections in, 360

peaceful transition in, 360–61, 460

street protests in, 334, 337, 338, 355, 360, 364, 447

U.S. Embassy besieged in, 399, 402–3

Turkey, 214–20

and Armenia, 218–20

and climate change, 495

economic growth in, 430, 446, 495

and France, 373

and Greece, 218

and Iran, 217, 260, 427–33

and Israel, 218, 314, 321–22

and Libya, 373, 375, 376

and Southern Corridor pipeline, 240

and Syria, 450, 453, 454, 462–63

and the UN, 427–28, 430

U.S. relationship with, 218, 439

and Zero Problems, 217, 218, 219

21st-century statecraft, 545–57

use of term, 551

see also technology


in Iran, 423, 548–49

in Russia, 551–52

and State Department, 551

in Syria, 546

U2, 8


clinic in, 293

LGBT in, 576

military training in, 289–90

and the UN, 427–28


and European Union, 240, 241

Orange Revolution in, 240

and Russia, 227, 239–42, 451, 521

United Arab Emirates (UAE), 200, 334–35, 351

intervention in Bahrain, 357–59, 373

and Libya, 371, 373

and Qatar, 476

and Syria, 453

United Kingdom:

economic recession in, 207

Good Friday Agreement, 224–25, 226, 313

and Iran, 424–25

and Kenya, 278

and Libya, 213, 375

and Syria, 463, 466

U.S. relationship with, 205

United Nations (UN):

and Afghanistan, 140, 144, 165

Chapter VII resolution in, 458–59

and chemical weapons, 469

and climate change, 493, 494

and Crimea, 242

and Cuba, 258

and emerging powers, 430

and Global Counterterrorism Forum, 189, 200

and Goldstone Report, 318

and Haiti, 247, 260

and human rights, 111, 364–65, 557, 564–65, 567, 573–74, 575–76, 580

International Women’s Day, 131

and Iran, 233, 416–17, 418, 424–25, 427–29, 431–33, 435, 439, 442, 444–45

and Libya, 235, 364, 366, 370–74

and Middle East, 318, 326–30

and North Korea, 54, 55, 56, 57, 107

Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, 418

P5+1 nations, 416–17, 424, 425, 430, 432, 435, 436, 442, 443, 445

and Palestine, 482–83

peacekeeping missions of, 260, 282

and the Quartet, 323

rotating seats in, 427

Security Council resolutions, 427

and Syria, 236, 449, 450–52, 454–55, 457–59, 469

UN Women, 261, 282, 563, 564, 570

U.S. Ambassador to, 23–24, 412, 427

United States:

and Arctic Council, 502

and climate change, 491–92, 496–98, 504, 505–6

and debt default, 513–15

drones used by, 183–84, 185

drug markets in, 250–51

embassies bombed in East Africa (1998), 131, 171, 383, 406

energy production in, 440, 522–23

financial crisis in (2008), 73

and foreign policy, see State Department, U.S.

full faith and credit of, 514

and humanitarian aid, 532–34, 544

and human trafficking, 517–18, 573

immigrants in, 550

interagency competition in, 190

and international trade, 509–10, 515

and laws of war and self-defense, 183

leadership roles of, 482, 496–98, 504, 505–6, 512

LGBT in, 578–81

and Obama, see Obama, Barack

and the Quartet, 323

refugees in embassies of, 79, 84, 85, 87

rumors of decline, 25–26, 47, 52, 73–74

Trade Enforcement Unit, 515

use of torture in, 573

volunteerism in, 533

women and the economy in, 570–71

see also Secretary of State; State Department

United States Africa Command, 393

Universal Declaration on Human Rights, 111, 364–65, 557, 564–65, 567, 573, 575–76, 580, 581

UPS, 511–12

Urda, Gary, 598

Uribe, Álvaro, 252, 253

U.S.–Afghan Women’s Council, 152

USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development), 26, 61, 277, 406, 551

and Afghanistan/Pakistan, 141, 182

creation of, 541

Development Credit Authority, 539

“Grand Challenges” competitions, 538

and Haiti, 527, 530, 537–41

and women’s programs, 568

U.S. Army:

10th Mountain Division, 143

Night Stalkers, 193

U.S. Coast Guard, 530

U.S.–EU Energy Council, 214, 241

U.S. Global Development Lab, 539

U.S. Navy:

7th Fleet, 48

and North Korea, 107

SEALs, 164, 170–71, 174, 193–97, 199

USNS Comfort, 530

USS Cole, 171

USS Fitzgerald, 113

USS George Washington, 57

USS Impeccable, 75

Uzbekistan, 237, 238

Valenzuela, Arturo, 599

Valmoro, Lona, 49, 600

Vaysbeyn, Elina, 598

Velayati, Ali-Akbar, 443


and Haiti, 540

and OAS, 258–59, 263

state-controlled economy of, 254, 259

Verma, Rich, 234, 599

Verveer, Melanne, 563, 567–68, 569, 572, 584, 598

Verveer, Phil, 599

Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961), 409, 435


Hillary Clinton’s travel to, 61, 76–79

labor issues in, 519

restrictions in, 61

and South China Sea, 74, 75, 78, 113

strategic importance of, 46

U.S. relationship with, 77

Vietnam War, 61, 136

Vilsack, Tom, 278

Vital Voices, 224, 567, 571

Vogelstein, Rachel, 584, 600

Voice of America, 108, 180, 441

Wade, Abdoulaye, 272–73

Walker, Diana, 378

Walles, Jake, 599

Walsh, Matthew, 598

Wang, Bob, 84, 87, 88

Wang Lijun, 85–86

Wang Qishan, 512

Warner, John, 136

Warsaw Pact, 211

Washington, George, 167–68, 592

Waxman, Henry, 493–94

Webb, Jim, 105, 107–8

Wellington Declaration, 44

Wells, Alice, 599

Wen Jiabao:

and Chen, 88

and climate change conference, 491, 492, 499

and Iran, 432

and South China Sea, 113, 114

and transition, 86, 96

and U.S.-China relationship, 47, 72, 92, 95–96

Wesley, John, 18

Westerwelle, Guido, 481, 554

White, Pamela, 599

White, Ryan, 291

White, Stanford, 81

Widmer, Ted, 597

WikiLeaks, 252, 334, 368, 552–55

Wilberforce, William, 208

wildlife trafficking, 467, 468–69

Williams, Maggie, 563, 584

Willson, Jeff, 598

Winnefeld, James “Sandy” Jr., 411, 572

Wisner, Frank, 342, 345

Wohlers, Paul, 599

women’s rights, 560–64, 567–73

in Afghanistan, 152–53, 158, 562

in Africa, 568

in China, 66, 68–69

gender-based violence in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), 279–82

and Hillary Clinton’s Beijing speech, 66, 560–62, 583, 584–85

Islam’s restrictions on women, 130–31, 352–53, 354–55

in Japan, 571

and the UN, 261, 282, 563, 564, 570

Woods, Tyrone, 382, 398, 404–5, 415

Woolheater, Ashley, 598

workers’ rights, 517, 518–20

World Bank, 563, 569, 570, 571

World Conference on Women, Beijing (1995), 66, 104, 560–62, 584–85

World Economic Forum, Davos, 49

World Health Organization, 524

World Trade Center (1993) bombing, 176

World Trade Organization, 233, 235, 242, 510, 513

Wyllie, Andrew, 529

Wyss, Laura, 598

Xi Jinping, 505

Yang Jiechi, 54–55, 69, 70–72, 79, 107, 114, 427, 554

Yanukovych, Viktor, 227, 241

Yao Ming, 71

Yavuz, Elif, 290–91

Yeltsin, Boris, 212, 228


and Arab Spring, 355

counterterrorism in, 189

Hillary Clinton’s travel to, 334, 335–36

unrest in, 442, 460

Yettaw, John, 106–8

Yohannes, Daniel, 599

Yom Kippur War, 338

Yousef, Ramzi, 176

Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang, 51–52, 60, 106

Zakaria, Fareed, 276, 277

Zambia, Hillary Clinton’s travel to, 271

Zardari, Asif Ali, 160, 162, 176, 177–79, 184, 197, 198

Zarif, Javad, 445

Zazi, Najibullah, 175

Zelaya, Manuel, 257, 259, 263, 265–68

Zenawi, Meles, 497

Zhang Yesui, 433

Zhou Enlai, 65, 93

Zimbabwe, 273

Zoellick, Robert, 75

Zuma, Jacob, 291, 295, 372, 492, 499