ALL of Ibsen’s Speeches and New Letters here submitted are now for the first time translated into English. The Speeches comprise all those included in the Norwegian edition of Ibsen’s Collected Works (Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1902). The time and place of publication of the New Letters are noted under the individual letters.
My most cordial thanks are due to Dr. Lee M. Hollander, of the University of Michigan, for his careful revision of the translations and for his introduction to the book; to Louis J. Bailey, librarian of the Gary (Ind.) Public Library, for his valuable collaboration part of the time and many important suggestions ever since; and to Karl T. Jacobson, of the Library of Congress, for his indefatigable work in finding good and idiomatic expressions.
I also wish to express my gratitude to Dr. Sigurd Ibsen for his kind permission to have the translations made.
Library of Congress, June, 1909