(Letter XIX was first published in the Christiania daily, Aftenposten, May 26,1906.)
(Amandus Theodor Schibsted (born 1849), editor and owner of the Norwegian daily paper, Aftenposten, since 1879.)
MUNICH, March 27th, 1888
Mr. Editor Schibsted:
ALLOW me herewith to offer you my kindest and best thanks for the attention you have been good enough to show me by including in your paper for the twentieth of this month the series of articles published on the occasion of my sixtieth birthday.
I wish to assure you that I shall always be grateful for the pleasure which you have thereby given me. And this pleasure was so much the greater as it was unexpected.
One of the things that have pained me most in my literary relation to my home country is, that for a number of years, as far back as the appearance of “The League of Youth,” I have been appropriated by one or the other political party. I who never in my life have busied myself with politics, but only with social questions! And then the supposed opponents’ unwillingness to understand! It is not praise or adherence for which I thirst. But understanding! Understanding! The hand which you have kindly extended to me I am delighted to grasp, and sign myself,
Yours respectfully and obligedly,