
abandonment thesis 170, 1836
Adams, Colin 18
adjustment failure, among states 212
aftermath phase 10715
Ajami, Fouad xiv, 1556, 220
Albright, Madeleine 32, 126
alternative (to Blair’s) address 2246
Amman, Kofi 59
amoral realism 161
Anderson, Donald 68
Anglo-American relationship 1, 2, 4, 68, 201, 47, 13251, 169
anti-Islamic motivation 1516
anti-terrorism viii
appeasement 104
Arab Spring 155, 1578, 163, 169
Armitage, Richard 38, 106
Ashdown, Lord Paddy 1089
Assad, Bashar al- 1978, 201
Attlee, Clement 135
axis of evil speech 30, 37
bad faith tradition 16
bandwagoning 1328, 211
Beinart, Peter 125
Berman, Paul xiv, 83, 125
Betts, Richard 97
Biddle, Stephen 215
Binnendijk, Hans 40
bioterrorism 101
Bird, Tim 151
Black, Cofer 106
Black Hawk Down 26
Blair doctrine 77, 86, 89
Blair’s War see One Man’s War
Blair, Tony ix, xi, 12, 614, 15, 19, 22, 24, 4064, 69, 73, 77, 801, 839, 956, 99101, 1278, 1334, 138, 141, 144, 146, 164, 167, 179, 184, 197, 198, 202, 207, 2089, 215, 220
televised address 2223
Blix, Hans 12, 667, 18990
blood price 20, 142
and bandwagoning 1328
fallacy of 2
Bobbitt, Philip 92
Bolton, John 149
Bowyer, Tom 14
Boyce, Admiral Sir Michael 52, 54, 60
The Breaking of Nations 924
Bremer, Paul L. III 107, 11213, 127
Briefing Paper to the Parliamentary Labour Party 53
in Afghanistan 68, 70
financial costs to 1767
intelligence dossiers 62
public opinion xvxvi, 3, 6170
road to war 25, 2930, 4061
role in war viii
taming US response 13845
troop deployment Korean War 135
in UN Security Council 135
and US interventions 137
war casualties 1789 see also Blair
Brooke, Rupert 158
Brown, Gordon 9, 1112
Burridge, Air Chief Marshall Sir Brian 49
Bush Doctrine 11, 312, 33, 77, 78, 86, 120, 124, 162
Bush, George H.W. 79
Bush, George W. 68, 11, 16, 19, 24, 29, 30, 334, 37, 43, 4850, 71, 856, 1225, 128, 137, 140, 1478, 156, 184, 215
Butler Inquiry 401, 63
Byman, Daniel 1934
Byzantine ideal-type 76, 92
cabinet committee system 72
Cabinet Office 41, 53, 58, 89
Cameron, David 73
Campbell, Alastair 47, 50, 52, 138
Campbell, Menzies 86
Camp Bucca 181
Carr, E.H. 207
The Case for Democracy 81, 123
CBRN (nuclear proliferation) 54
CBW (chemical and biological weapons) 166
Chalabi, Ahmad 11012, 127, 128, 171
chapter content summary 1922
Cheney, Dick 48, 58, 71, 1225
Chicago doctrine/speech 467, 49, 89, 96, 100, 162, 202, 207
Chilcot (Iraq) Inquiry x, xivxv, 4, 56, 8, 9, 40, 55, 63, 724, 85, 96, 109, 1534, 156, 176, 197, 210
Chirac, Jacques 17, 64, 149
choosing war 21415
Churchill, Winston 134, 136, 146, 208, 210
Clark, Wesley 126
classical realism 161, 162
Clinton, Bill 67, 33, 79, 126
Clinton, Hillary 126
Coalition Provisional Authority 107
Coates, David A. 8
Cockburn, Patrick 113
Cohen, Eliot 7980
COIN (counter-insurgency) 214
conditions concept 62
containment concept 7880
Cook, Robin 6, 80, 195
cooperative problem-solving 129
Cooper, Robert 924
Corbyn, Jeremy 197, 202
Cordesman, Anthony 1945
The Costs of War 112
counterproliferation 36, 189
CPA (Coalition Provisional Authority) 147
Crawford meeting 42, 47, 489, 53, 87, 142
Cross, Major General Tim 108
Dannatt, General Sir Richard 143
Dawa Party 112
Dearlove, Sir Richard 11, 37, 49, 50, 132
De-Ba’athification 1078, 113, 127, 147, 186
deception 74
Declaration of Principles 137
Defence Intelligence Service 97
Defence Planning Guidance 125
Defence White Papers 142, 147
Delivering Security in a Changing World 142
Delta of Terrorism 125, 220
democracy, in Iraq 81
democratic accountability, lack of 2930
by doubt 27
and diplomacy 21519
Deudney, Dan 20, 116, 117, 119, 1201, 122, 1267, 12930
Deutcher, Isaac 82
diplomacy, and deterrence 21519
disarmament policy 61
dishonesty/deceit 45
dogmatism 39, 40
Douri, Izzat al- 192
Downing Street Memo leak 50
Duelfer Commission/Report 166, 171
Duncan Smith, Iain 99100
EFPs (explosively formed penetrators) 58
Eisenhower, Dwight 136
El Baradei, Dr. Mohamed 12, 18990
Ellison, James 73
Euston Manifesto xxi
Fallon, Sir Michael 108, 109
false intelligence 1112
falsification pr1nciple 3
FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) 41, 50, 52, 58, 59, 89, 134, 141, 145
Feith, Douglas 149
First Armoured Division 25
first strikes vii
flaws of expectation 14651
Foreign Affairs Select Committee 68, 213
45 Commando deployment 146
Fourth International 83
Franks, General Tommy 38, 49
Freedman, Sir Lawrence 89
French opposition 14950
Frum, David 38, 157, 168, 183
geopolitical costs, of war 180
Geras, Norman xiv
Gitlin, Todd 209
Gladstone, William 82, 834
globalization, and liberal world order 100
Global War on Terror viii
Gombert, David 40
good faith account 1819
Gordian Knot approach 212, 74, 206
Greenstock, Sir Jeremy 13, 50, 108, 10912, 140
Gulf War (1991) 26, 56, 79, 80, 192, 195
Hague, Lord William 13, 645, 100
Hamad, King 29
Harries, Owen 211
Heath, Edward 137
hegemonic realists 122
HEU (highly enriched uranium) 189, 190
hindsight bias 163
History of the English Speaking Peoples 146
Hitchens, Christopher xiv
Holbrooke, Richard 126
Hollis, Rosemary 6
Hoon, Geoff 59, 901, 142
Howard, John 164
Hughes, Karen 123
Hurd, Douglas 135
Hymans, Jacques 195
IDA (Institute of Defence Analyses) 179
idealism, and realism 20713
ideas behind war 2
ideological roots, and intervention 5
Ignatieff, Michael 125
Ikenberry, G. John 20, 116, 117, 119, 1201, 122, 125, 1267, 12930
illegality fixations 4
inadvertent escalation explanation 8
incompetence dodge 13, 107
insecurity, sources of 44
institutional support 10
international life, tragedy of 21921
interpretations of the war 519
intolerable regimes 81
alternative strategies 153, 154, 18797
case against 152, 153, 17087
case for 16470, 197204
evaluation standards of decision to 15363
potential hostility 60
regional patronage potential 578
supply of weapons to insurgents 58
abandonment thesis 170, 1836
bureaucratic purges, post-war 88, 115
casualty figures 1712
child mortality 1667, 168, 1723
coups in 27
De-Ba’athification 1078, 113, 127, 147, 186
GDP per capita 168
and inspection bodies 27
internal dissent 289
mas regime 215
military/intelligence disbanding 1078
political aftermath 60, 10715
post-war reconstruction 60, 10715, 167, 171, 1836
proliferation potential 56
refugees 172
road to war 24, 2530
torture 1736
Iraqi National Congress 171
Iraq Inquiry see Chilcot Inquiry
Iraq Liberation Act (1998) 31
Iraq Options Papers 37, 53, 58
Iraq Survey Group 57, 189
Islamic State 111, 155, 168, 217
Israel-Palestine Road Map 148
Jaafari, Ibrahim al- 112
Jabouri, Kadom al- 221
Jackson, Henry ’Scoop’ 126
JAM (Jaysh al-Mahdi) ix
Jervis, Robert 723
JIC (Joint Intelligence Committee) 41, 46, 50, 53, 56, 63, 978, 187, 191, 203
jihadi groups 183
Johnson, Alan 82
Johnson, Lyndon 35, 40, 126, 136
Jones, Brian 14
Jones, Owen 14
just war theory 15960, 162
Kagan, Robert 15
Kahn, A.Q. 165
Kaufman, Robert 187, 195
Keightley, General Sir Charles 136
Kelley, Robert 56
Kennan, George 212
Kennedy, Charles 86
Kennedy, John F. 126
Kerry, John 126
Kilfoyle, Peter 152
Kissinger, Henry 122, 125, 1367, 206
Krauthammer, Charles 33, 168
Krieger, Joel 8
Kurdish genocide 165
Kurdish secession 58
Lake, Anthony 95, 205
law of the instrument 36
legalist tradition 1416
Lemann, Nicholas 38
liberal conscience, and regime change 8294
liberal internationalist 126
liberalism 20, 83, 11827, 129
liberal managerialism, and Phase IV fallacy 10715
intervention in xi, 155, 157, 182, 213
nuclear programme 2001
limitation strategy 75
limited war, and regime change 7582
Lin, Bonny 40
Lippmann, Walter 212
Logevall, Frederik 39
Love Actually 6
Luttwak, Edward N. 76
McCain, John 184
McEwan, Ian xii
Mackay, Andrew 689
McLellan, Scott 123
Macmillan, Harold 135
McTernan, John 153, 197204
majority government, realities of 812
Makiya, Kanan 83, 125, 164, 173
Maliki, Nouri al- 1845
managerialist accounts 1314
Manning, David 7, 37, 43, 45, 48, 49, 545, 61, 85, 97, 98, 143
Maples, John 69
market democracy, entry to 110
market state principle 92
Marshall, Alex 151
Mearsheimer, John 116
MEPP (Middle East Peace Process) 44
Meyer, Sir Christopher 6, 37, 48, 139, 147
Middle East Peace Process 55, 95, 128
Milburn, Alan 82
Miliband, David 107
military deterrence 756
military occupation, success rate of 1023
Mitchell, Andrew 108
modernization theory 216
MOD (Ministry of Defence) 41, 50, 52, 60, 72, 89, 141, 145, 190
Morgan, Sally 50
Morgenthau, Hans 160, 212
multilateralism 202
Murdoch, Rupert 1011, 64, 104
muscular diplomacy 91
Myers, Stephen 82
national interest foreign policy 82, 162
National Security Strategy 33, 36, 124
NATO 15, 90, 140, 142, 150
Article V 140
neoconservatism 120
newness doctrine 105
The News of the World 63
NIE (CIA National Intelligence Estimate) 57
9/11 attacks, consequences of 24, 30, 31, 33, 36, 434, 51, 71, 84, 13840, 165, 188, 220
Nixon, Richard 1367
North Korea scenario 170
Not in My Name slogan xi
nuclear terrorism 101
nuclear transfer 218
Obama, Barack 112, 126, 137, 146, 148, 156, 169, 184
Oborne, Peter xiii, 15
oil hypothesis 1718
O’Neill, Brendan xii
One Man’s War account 6, 814
one per cent doctrine 123
Operation Desert Fox 45
Operation Iraqi Freedom 29, 116, 153
Operation Telic viixi, 153, 199
Osborne, George 1045, 197
Osirak dilemma 1956
Owen, Wilfed 158
parliamentary authorization 656, 70, 71
Parliamentary Select Committee on Foreign Affairs 208
Parris, Matthew 11
passivity allegation 111
path dependency 25
Pax Americana 33, 87, 106
Perle, Richard 1056, 157
Petraeus, General David 146, 156, 214
The Petraeus revolution 149
Phase II, in War on terror 35, 45, 478
Phase IV fallacy, and liberal managerialism 10715
Pigott, General Tony 52
policy duality, United States 14651
policy momentum 8
political insanity 94
Pollack, Kenneth 567, 126, 164
poodle explanation 68, 19, 139
Popper, Karl 23
post-war reconstruction 60, 10715, 167, 171
Powell, Colin x, 42, 48, 49, 60, 96, 1278, 142, 158
Powell, Jonathan 50, 545, 8990, 97, 133, 138
power, and morality 207
Power, Samantha 126
precautionary principle 164, 205
pre-emption 34, 77
premium on haste 64
pre-modern chaos 93
presentation strategy 61
preventive wars 345, 77
primacy realism 117
Project for a New American Century 79
prudential approach 153, 160, 161, 162, 214
prudent war avoidance 21315
public opinion xvxvi, 3, 6170
punitive retaliation doctrine 98
Putin, Vladimir 29, 129, 202
Quinlan, Sir Michael 196
Randall, John 67
Rangwala, Glen 14
rationality 161
RCC (Revolutionary Command Council) 192
Reagan, Ronald 78, 137, 148
realism 20, 212, 11822, 129, 1601, 20622
red-teaming 72
regime change 2, 201, 36, 41, 45, 52, 54, 5861, 65, 164, 181, 212
effectiveness of war 10215
ideological roots of 72131
and liberal conscience 8294
and liberal war 11630
and limited war 7582
power inflation 94102
revolutionary movement 8294
threat inflation 94102
regime collapse 60
regime type 81, 120, 124, 211
Reid, John 82
Remnick, David 125
Report of the Iraq Enquiry 168
revolutionary movement, and regime change 8294
Rice, Condoleezza 7, 38, 48, 49, 96, 149
Rice, Susan 126
Roberts, Andrew 146, 171, 2089
Robertson, Lord George 901, 140
Robinson, Piers 16
Rogers, Paul 16
rogue states/regimes 2, 37, 44, 74, 77, 94100, 103, 130, 217
rollback concept 789, 102
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 134, 136
Ross, Carne 188
Royal Prerogative 65
Rumsfeld, Donald 36, 38, 39, 52, 62, 1225, 149
Rycroft, Matthew 24, 62, 64, 173
Saddam Hussein 269, 445, 61, 1289, 139, 1657, 169, 180, 188, 1923, 199200, 215, 218
Sadr, Muqtada al- 114
Sands, Phillippe 14
Saturday xii
Saudi Peace Initiative 57
Scarlett, John 50
Schachtman, Max 83
Schelling, Thomas 64
Schwartz, Stephen 83
scientific realism 161
SDR (Strategic Defence Review) 902
Second Infitada 57
security, public desire for 812
Sedgefield Speech 96
self-harm, among states 212
Senor, Dan 11213
Shapiro, Jacob 215
Sharansky, Natan 81, 123
Shia restraint 59
The Shield of Achilles 92
SIS (Secret Intelligence Service) 41, 50, 52, 141
Sky, Emma 39
Slaughter, Anne-Marie 116, 125, 126
smart sanctions 188
social revolutionary ferocity 113
Solely, Clive 689
Soviet Union, collapse of 32
special relationship see Anglo-American relationship
Stability Operations in Iraq: An Analysis from the Land Perspective 147
Steele, Jonathan 59
Straw, Jack x, 29, 43, 48, 49, 50, 601, 102, 142, 188, 208
Suez crisis 136, 141
surge strategy 214
surplus of power 212
Symons, Liz 18
civil war 111, 155, 163
Islamic rebellion in xi
potential hostility 60
Syria scenario 170
Tanner, Colonel J.K. 147
Tebbit, Kevin 1434
Tenet, George 38
Terror and Consent 92
Thatcher, Margaret 1067
The Threatening Storm 126
threat inflation 101
threat perception 23
threat tolerance 78
toughened containment 53
Trachtenberg, Marc 23
Trimble, David 68, 100
Trotskyite influence 823
Truman, Harry 35
Trump, Donald 148
trust in the state xiii
Turnbull, Andrew 41
unintended consequences 58
United Nations
Security Council 12, 8, 14, 40, 61, 65, 135, 144
Resolution 1409 188
Resolution 1441 47, 55, 67, 157
United States
in Afghanistan 31, 35, 68, 70
assassination attempts on Saddam 278, 80
Britain’s relationship with see Anglo-American relationship
financial costs to 1767
neoconservatism 120
policy duality 14651
policy shift 301
rise to Global Power 32
road to war 24, 2940
State of the Union addresses 30, 31
tariffs on UK steel 147
troop commitment numbers 112
unipolarity in war 324, 118 see also Bush
UNMOVIC (UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission) report 12, 667
Vietnam, deliberation over 3940
Villepin, Dominic de 149
violence interdependence 130
virtue, running amok 20622
virtue/vice interpretation 1519
visionary world-making 30
Wall, Sir Stephen 63
Waltz, Kenneth 23
The War Against Terrorism: The Second Phase 16
warlike idealism 2
warlike liberalism 867
Watkins, Peter 145
Webb, Simon 52
Webster, Daniel 34
Weekly Standard 1011
Wieseltier, Leon 125, 126
Wilkerson, Lawrence B. 30
Williams, Dr. Michael 105
Wilson, Harold 136, 145
Wilsonianism 120, 126
Wilson, Sir Richard 50
Wilson, Woodrow 120, 129
WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) viii, 8, 1112, 33, 36, 44, 456, 49, 504, 59, 61, 634, 67, 70, 723, 80, 90, 93, 95102, 103, 110, 116, 119, 122, 128, 1301, 145, 1667, 171, 178, 181, 187, 18996, 200, 205, 2089, 210, 215, 219
Wolfowitz, Paul 36, 52, 1225, 149, 184
worst-case scenarios 60
Worthington, Tony 69