I walk through the office doors.

Aunt Bee’s assistant, Mrs. Blake,

waves me on through.

She’s waiting for you, she says,

and I try not to cry.

Aunt Bee is sitting at her desk

when I step into her office.

I sit down in the seat I

always sit in, like it will

somehow keep me safe

from what’s coming.

She stares at my face

for a minute before she says,

Is something wrong, Paulie?

She sounds concerned,

not a bit angry like

I thought she’d be.

I shrug

and look at my feet.

She clears her throat.

I wanted to give you a little time

to adjust to school, she says.

But now that you have, I think

you’re ready. I watch her stand.

I’m so confused my face

starts burning.

Does she know

or doesn’t she?

Aunt Bee kneels in front of me.

She takes one of my hands in hers.

I want you to meet the school

counselor today, she says.

You’ll be seeing her for a while,

just to talk.

I don’t hear anything else she says

after that. The whole room fades

and the only person I see

is my daddy.