Today me and Greg
are graduating from
elementary school.
It feels like a gigantic step,
going to a brand-new school
where there will be no Aunt Bee
or Mr. Langley. It feels a little scary,
if I’m honest.
We sit up on a stage with
all the other fifth graders,
who probably feel excited and
scared at the same time, just like me.
The lights blur the audience,
but I know who’s there.
Gran. Granddad.
Charlie. Mr. Langley.
And Mama.
She showed up right before
me and Greg had to get onstage.
I didn’t know if she would come,
graduate, she said. She hugged me
close and kissed the top of my head.
I’m so proud of you, she said.
She smelled like cigarette smoke.
Greg looked away, but not before
I saw the water in his eyes.
Three months ago his mama
was moved to a home where
nurses can take care of her all the time.
He still gets really sad about it.
He misses her a bunch, especially
on days like today.