Me and Charlie

used to be real close

when we were younger,

on account of all the moving

and leaving our old friends behind

and making new ones every year,

but then we moved here

where Mama and my daddy

lived when they were

first married,

and we stayed.

Mama picked this place.

She said she wanted

me and Charlie to know

my daddy’s family,

but I think what she

really wanted was help

with my daddy.

He hated it here,

with Gran and Granddad

right across the street

and Aunt Bee fifteen miles

down the road,

all these people

checking in on him

when he pulled in our driveway

too long after sunset.

The night my daddy left,

Charlie’s eyes got real dark,

like a storm lived there.

Charlie loved my daddy,

even on the nights

he walked in the door

like he was trying not to fall over,

nights when he’d throw

ashtrays at Mama

and trip over chairs

like he didn’t even see them.

Charlie was the only one

brave enough to stop him

when he turned mean.