I heard Gran tell Mama once

that Aunt Bee turned sour

after her husband left her.

But Aunt Bee

never looks sour

when she laughs.

She has this laugh

that lights the day.

She laughs and laughs

until she quits

making any sound at all.

She shakes all that laughter

out into the world

so everyone around her

starts smiling and then

laughing and then

shaking, too.

My daddy used to do

all sorts of things

to get her to laugh like that,

and I thought there was

nothing more magnificent

in the world than my daddy

cutting up just so

Aunt Bee would laugh.

He would say, Jesus, Bee,

you’re gonna hurt yourself,

and Gran would wag her finger

in my daddy’s face and say,

Don’t you take the Lord’s

name in vain, you hear me, boy?

and Aunt Bee would just

laugh harder.

Sometimes Aunt Bee couldn’t stop

once she got started,

and Mama would have to

pound her back and yell,

Breathe, Bee! Breathe!

and my daddy would

wipe tears, too.