Granddad’s only a railroad man,

but his words grow deep inside me,

so by the time we’re finished eating

and packed up in the car

and on our way back to Aunt Bee’s,

I can see Gran’s love in the food

she’s made over the years,

and I can see Granddad’s love

in the words he hardly ever speaks,

unless he knows they’re needed,

and I can see Mama’s love

in leaving us with Aunt Bee,

who loves us in a thousand

fire ways.

One time, back when me and Josh

were still friends,

we put this action figure on the hood

of his mama’s car to see

how far down the road to school we’d get

before the figure man fell over.

He held on the entire trip,

flying on his back.

I feel like him today,

flying on my back,

staring at a black sky,

watching Mama’s star.