Exercise 1: Inner Temple and Memory Tower
Exercise 2: Qabalistic Cross
Exercise 3: Intention Vow
Exercise 4: Rising on the Planes
Exercise 5: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP)
Exercise 6: Making Holy Water
Exercise 7: Malkuth Pathworking
Exercise 8: Elemental Earth Journey Seeking the Stone of Sovereignty
Exercise 9: Middle Pillar
Exercise 10: Circulation of the Body of Light
Exercise 11: Magickal Storytelling
Exercise 12: Yesod Pathworking
Exercise 13: Elemental Water Journey Seeking the Cup of Compassion
Exercise 14: Four Adorations
Exercise 15: Hod Pathworking
Exercise 16: Elemental Air Journey Seeking the Sword of Truth
Exercise 17: Ritual of the Rosy Cross
Exercise 18: Netzach Pathworking
Exercise 19: Elemental Fire Journey Seeking the Spear of Victory
Exercise 20: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram (LBRH)
Exercise 21: Tiphereth Pathworking
Exercise 22: Greater Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram (GIRP)
Exercise 23: Geburah Pathworking
Exercise 24: Greater Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram (GIRH)
Exercise 25: Chesed Pathworking
Exercise 26: Planetary Tinctures
Exercise 27: Binah Pathworking
Exercise 28: Mystic Repast
Exercise 29: Chokmah Pathworking
Exercise 30: Kether Pathworking
Exercise 31: Create Your Reality Map
Exercise 31: Bornless Ritual