Appendix VI: Variations of the
Greater Ritual of the Hexagram
Temple of Witchcraft GRH
For my Greater Ritual of the Hexagram, I use the basic format of my LRH (Appendix V), but substitute the appropriate planetary unicursal hexagram for the basic banishing/invoking unicursal hexagram.
Star Sapphire Ritual: Planetary Form
The Star Sapphire ritual (Appendix V) can be adapted to banish or invoke various planetary influences, using the same corresponding associations of the hexagram with the planets, but drawing the unicursal hexagram in one continuous motion (Figure 89). The advantage of the unicursal hexagram form is that there is a central point for the Sun, so the entire pattern of all the planets does not have to be performed to invoke or banish the Sun. Otherwise, the form, words, and visualizations are the same.
Some dispense with the use of hexagram symbolism for planetary rituals, preferring to perform septagram rituals, using the seven-pointed star. The star is used by moving clockwise toward the planet you are invoking (Figure 90). To banish, start at the planetary point and move counterclockwise. You also can draw the planetary glyph in the center of the septagram after completing all seven points. Since this practice is not standardized, like the hexagram correspondences, different magicians and witches place the planets on different points of the septagram, though they usually follow the planetary days of the week, also known as the Chaldean order.