The Proposal

Several weeks have passed, and Brandon is making remarkable progress in rehab. He is placed in an area called Special Housing, which is for inmates who are in recovery from serious injuries or other medical conditions. He is now walking on his own. It is in Special Housing where Brandon begins to make the effort to become a better person, not only in spirit but also in school. He enrolls in every educational curriculum offered by Ohallowbee and excels beyond everyone’s expectations of him.

Donnell and Oleta Oukinuwin have gotten quite cozy and grown into a romantic relationship. They’ve moved into a condo along the seashores of Pensacola Beach, Florida. With Oleta’s assistance, Donnell is reaping the harvest of reaching his goals with the Boys Will Be Boys Foundation (BWBBF).

Things were a bit slow at first, but are at full throttle now. Although he doesn’t know it yet, Donnell has a vested interest in Brandon becoming the face of the BWBBF. Donnell pushes Brandon hard to complete assignments and read as often as he can. He gives Brandon the communication skills that he feels will be important for him to have down the line. The two of them have become so close that a father-son-like relationship has begun to form.

One night, while at the dinner table with Oleta, Donnell slides his chair back, takes a knee in front of her, and pops the question.

“Oleta Oukinuwin, most of my life has been incomplete. I’m a man of numbers, so when things don’t add up, I get confused. All these years of things not adding up in my life are summed up in the person of you. I want you to be the first paragraph of my life and complete the rest of the story of us. What I am asking you is: Will you marry me?”

Donnell opens a small, red velvet box with a two-carat diamond ring inside.

Sitting there stunned, with tears streaming down her face, Oleta leans forward and kisses Donnell passionately. “Does that answer your question?” she says.

They both hug, and Donnell places the engagement ring on Oleta’s finger.

Afterward, while lying in bed, Oleta and Donnell start talking
about Brandon, and Donnell shares a little about Brandon’s plight with her. Then he tells her about Brandon’s whole ordeal with Officer Williams. Donnell goes on to tell her about his desire to adopt Brandon, but he knows that, given his past criminal record, it’s not even an option.

Oleta stares deeply into Donnell’s eyes and feels the sincerity and passion in his soul. She informs him that there may be a way to file for adoption once they are married. Jokingly, Oleta adds, “Shoot, I just may have to dump you and adopt the kid myself.”

They couple laughs, and they fall asleep in each other’s arms.