Timing is everything they say
and good things come
to those who wait.
Well waiting is hardly my forte
but a relay runner
practices patience
knows to study her teammate
monitor that runner’s rhythm
in order to anticipate
the perfect passing of the baton.
One must wait in silence
watch for signs
like the First Begotten did.
Jesus knew who he would call
to run the race with him
had invested in their lives
learned the beating
of their hearts
and when at last he called them
his voice laced with love
was already familiar
his urgency easy to detect.
He knew the time was right
to step into the flow
of the Father’s work
and so can we.
Study the rhythm of the Lord
practice his pacing
anticipate his perfect passing
of ministry’s baton.
He will always let us know
when the time is right
if we wait for The Word in silence.
Lord, teach me to be quiet.
Teach me to tarry. For you.
Psalm 62:5–12, Mark 1:14–20