I love how stealthy
the Lord is.
Heralded by a few insiders
like Micah
the great I AM
came on tiptoe
hidden behind a mask
of human skin
sliding into the world
through a slip-of-a-girl
named Mary.
Breathless in her expectation,
she and her cousin Elizabeth
magnified the Holy One
who arrived at a locale
least expected
through a family hailing from
a humble city
of no particular repute.
Security for his people
sewn into the pocket
of his heart
Peace is
the great gift he brings
a strange trade
for sins confessed.
Yes, this Lord of ours
is a mystery.
Castles and senate chambers
are not
where you’ll find him.
He lives in the souls he has
harvested for Heaven
a kingdom where love rules—
not the politics of power.
Look around.
The Beloved is here
hidden as always
in plain sight
waiting to be magnified
by us.
Micah 5:2–5, Luke 1:39–55