Message from the Father

The secret’s out:

the kingdom of God is here

with all authority given

to rebuke evil

restore good

promote peace.

Yes! The time is here

for spiritual triage

for family members

ailing from the cancer

of depression

for marriages bleeding

on the side of the road.

The enemy is intent

on gnawing our joy

like a bone.

We must become

that Good Samaritan.

Sweet greetings and holy kisses

are not enough.

We must perform the stuff

of mercy, of deep prayer.

We must come alongside

offer the shelter

of our love.

Oh, Holy Father

move us from

our complacency.

Let us not be spectators

of hurt and misery.

Breathe on us a spirit of unity.

Convict us so that

we come to be

your healing hands

right now.