Every book published has a team working behind the scenes. For Glory in the Margins, that team included Sarah Arthur, who believed enough in this project to direct me to Paraclete Press editor Jon Sweeney. Thanks, Sarah, for your excitement about the possibilities of this collection.

Thanks to my wonderful new editor, Jon, who embraced my vision for this book, and then broadened it with ideas that were subtle, and yet exactly right. Every author should be so lucky.

Thanks, as always, to Amy Malskeit, the best beta-reader on the planet. You have encouraged me at every leg of this journey, and carried me along on the wings of prayer.

Special thanks to Brethren-in-Christ Pastor Jeff Wright who, years ago, said yes when I asked if I could create poems to accompany his Sunday sermons. What a gift it has been for me to tithe my talent through worship services!

Thanks also to the members of Madison Street Church who have received this offering, week after week, year after year, and always asked for more. If you hadn’t, this book might never have come to be.

Thanks to the Academy of American Poets for originally publishing “Bend. Bow. Now.” under the title “You Still Dream,” in Poem-a-Day on August 7, 2020.

Thanks, lastly, to anyone who has ever heard me read one of my Sabbath poems and asked, Could I get a copy of that? Finally, thanks to Glory in the Margins, I’m able to answer Yes!