
As dark clouds gather,

we search for God’s will

like hidden treasure

hunting for that all-important

X that marks the spot.

Yet, the Ancient of Days

is both mystery and open secret.

Forgetting that we whip out our

intellectual metal detectors and

hit the metaphorical beaches

listening for the beeps that tell us

where we should sink our shovels

to dig for Truth, or whatever promise it is

we really want.

We likewise go to Scripture

magnifying glass in hand

desperate for some special decoder

or that universal translator

we’ve seen on Star Trek

that can convert our tears

to language El Shaddai can hear.

But the one we serve is multilingual

and fairly plainspoken

even writing on walls

when necessary. Granted

we don’t always embrace

his point of view.

Nevertheless, you must admit

the Father has a habit of posting

unobstructed signs

along the paths he has chosen

and painting

color-drenched pictures

across the clear or clouded sky

like those rainbow reminders

he set for himself, and for us

of the permanent covenant

between the Lord of Heaven

and man, and creature

a covenant of mercy

written in his own

indelible blood.

Genesis 9:8–17