Promises, Promises

I’m a stickler for

arriving on time

and keeping my word,

once given.

And yet, counting the promises

I have broken over the years

would break me.

Perhaps the same is true for you.

Good intentions notwithstanding

the happenstances of life

can intervene:

illnesses unexpected,

sudden storms that

clog our schedules,

even occasional lapses

in memory

can throw a monkey wrench

in the works of the word given.

But, as Abraham learned,

not so with God,

who called the Israelites

to bear the mark of covenant

in their own bodies.

Promises kept are God’s

stock in trade.

A son of Abraham’s

own aged flesh,

from his own withered wife

was one promise impossible

and yet God kept it

though Abraham,

tired of waiting,

tried to help God out

by having a child with Hagar.

Even then, God held to

his end of the bargain,

and laughter was born in Isaac.

El Olam’s promises

grow more precious every day.

How strengthening it is to know

our Heavenly Father always keeps

his vows.

Genesis 17:1–16