Sorrow clung
to every footfall
of the women
wending their way
to a tomb
that marked an ending
they could scarcely bear.
We feel the press of death
weighing down
their shoulders
even though we know
the true end of the story
is only the beginning:
the Beloved rising
strong and clear-eyed
his mortal wounds
only evidence of his love.
Go and tell, he says
his voice still ringing
in our ears.
He is here
the very poetry of God
beautiful in passion
in holiness
his full-to-bursting heart
ready to lead us—
flawed and puny as we are—
in the mighty work
of building his kingdom.
Do not be afraid, he tells us.
And why should we be?
He’s already taken
the worst that could happen
and turned it
into victory.
Matthew 28:1–10