God means to rattle our bones.
Lest we miss it
a violent wind is prelude to
the Holy Spirit’s dramatic arrival—
no brimstone, but tongues of fire.
(Where do you think Kilauea
got its awful power?)
Yes, the Lord intends
to shake things up.
On Pentecost
Adonai put out the call to all
who might dare to love him
degree of melanin
never part of the equation.
To make it plain
he spelled out his invitation
in a myriad of languages.
Say what you will
about nationalism
white or otherwise
El Shaddai’s prismatic kingdom
beats it every time.
Black or white, slave or free,
Jesus died and rose again
for you. For me.
The Gospel could not be clearer.
This new day heralds prophecies
and dreams of the divine
generously showered among
man and womankind.
And what?
What are we to do with this?
Shout. It. Out!
In this world divided
the secret of unity is ours!
Jesus Christ and him crucified
the body and blood
we partake of
in common.
Acts 2:1–21