An old story, a bold story
of Elijah, as showman
of Mount Carmel
setting a grand stage on which
Jehovah would tell
the tale of his power.
All smoke, no mirrors, full flame.
Theatrical, yes.
But hardly a game.
Call down fire from
the god you serve,
said Elijah
to the followers of Baal.
Then I will do the same.
The deity who sets fire to the altar
and swallows the sacrifice in flame
is the One True God.
Time to go all in
thought Elijah.
Time to set the record straight.
To stack the deck
Elijah ordered
his wood and sacrifice to be
doused in water till the altar
all but floated away.
No man can ignite wet wood.
Of course, it was no man
the prophet called on.
Label his risk calculated.
His faith, daring and confident,
invites us
to be and do likewise
because the Deliverer is true
and, as Paul reminds us
his gospel is the one
we can count on.
1 Kings 18:20–39, Galatians 1:1–12