

is not our go-to in this world.

Most of us

would rather masquerade,

pretend to be strong, confident

completely put-together

more often than not.

On a good day

one might even

consider oneself

a great catch for God

someone who can

make him look good

by association.

Laugh if you want

but who practices humility

unless the moment is clutch

unless life lays us flat on our

inabilities to meet

our own needs?

Jehoshaphat knew how to

come to El Shaddai

hat in hand

prostrate in his demeanor

as he stood in the temple court

with all of Judah in audience.

Fast! Pray! he pronounced

his kingly dignity tossed aside.

We need you, Adonai—true ruler

of the nations, he cried,

his desperation

on full display.

That’s the way to do it

acknowledging our powerlessness

and God’s holy might—

our brokenness an open book

laid before the one

who saves us.

2 Chronicles 20:1–12