Seven Baskets

Stomachs growl

and reason is forgotten.

All we can manage to focus on

is the deep bowl of our need.

Jesus knows, and fills us.

He has had plenty of practice.

Once—no fairy tale—he turned

a few fish and seven loaves

into seven baskets, plus

enough to feed four thousand.

Then came the Pharisees

chasing signs. But where were they

when the thousands feasted

on the miraculous?

This is nothing new: people whose eyes

are tightly closed to the truth

scream at the top of their lungs

“Show me! Prove who you are! I dare you!”

And what do they get for their trouble?

The Lord pulls up anchor

and sails in search of listening ears.

Well, he is here. Now.

Are we listening?

Mark 8:1–13