At first glance,
the human imagination
seems boundless.
Wonder Woman and Thor
charge across our vision
Mozart, Salvador Dali
and Shakespeare
make us gasp.
DaVinci taught
the Wright Brothers
to dream of flight
we have since superseded.
But in truth
our imagination
is stunted.
We could never
conjure a God
whose waves buoy us
whose words refresh us
whose spirit satisfies
our deepest thirst.
He is our rock, yet
we swim in his mercy.
He redeems us from the river
of doubt and death.
He drowns us in love
and drenches us in hope
drawn from the well
of his own being.
All this in the midst
of life’s pain and affliction.
However much
the darkness encroaches
keep your imaginary heroes.
They’ve got nothing
on our God.
Psalm 42