
In this whatever generation

contracts have all but lost

their meaning.

They are flimsy things

to lose, to shred, to flippantly

ignore, or break.

We love the loophole

and hate the fine print unless

it serves us.

My meticulously composed

contracts are rarely read

before they’re signed.

The giveaway is always

the blank stare or, Huh? What?

whenever I raise some salient point

clearly stated therein.

But that response won’t work

in the courts of heaven.

God is old school. His contract

cannot be lost, or shredded.

Ignore or break the particulars

at your own risk.

Don’t lie. Don’t steal. Don’t neglect

to keep all the commandments

or else.

Sign this agreement? Yes!

Nevertheless, one warning:

it’s useless to look for loopholes.

And, lest we forget

God’s contract is a living organism

unlike any we’ve ever seen.

It’s amended by Grace—Grace,

complete with a new bill of rights

for the redeemed,

giving the forgiven a free pass

into the Holy of Holies

granting us direct access to

the King of Kings.

And the old law?

Perfectly satisfied

by the only one qualified

to sign the dotted line.

Exodus 20:1–17