The Plot Thickens

The Mount of Olives,

the site of a small commission

and a necessary obedience:

two disciples dispatched

to acquire a colt in

shall we say

a questionable manner.

And soon thereafter

all is set for a demonstration

of power and humility


Enter our carpenter-king

who calls the dead to life

who silences the roiling sea

who gives vision to the blind

yet does not seem to mind

riding atop a borrowed ass.

A living, breathing paradox

he willingly approaches

the scene of the crime to be.

Come! Die with me,

he invites us

and drunk on the power

we have witnessed

we follow.

But what do we do

with the love that

held the Lord of Lords to the cross

in blood and agony

he could easily

have wiped away

simply by stepping down

and leaving us to pay

for our own sins?

How can we begin

to respond to that?

We bow our heads

our hearts, our knees.

Luke 19:28–40, Philippians 2:5–11