The Uncanny

Her silver hair ornament was awfully big. I saw a great emerald-diamond ring. I saw the plat­ter of steak tartare leave its position near me and then dive away into the party crowd on the back lawn. Then I saw my own husband having the meat on a Ritz cracker. I saw it in his hand next to his mouth. I drank my iced drink while it was changing color from a deep gold color that had satisfied me deeply to a gold color that certainly did not.

I asked Mrs. Gordon Archibald what she would have done with all of the people if it had rained. I gave her a suggestion for an answer she could give me which was an antisocial answer. She had a different antisocial an­swer for me of her own.

After this, my husband and I went off to a dinner club where there was dancing, where a woman touched my earring. She got it to move, saying, “These are buckets!”

My husband said to me while I was swooning in his arms, “Why are all the longest dances the draggiest?”

I took this to mean that he has not loved me for a very long time. Everything means something, or it does not. I have expressed an opinion. Every effect has a source that is not unfamiliar. It’s all so evil.