The Easiest Way of Having

They are not like you.

This is what occurs. Fancy work.

Under no circumstances is sexual contact per­missible.

They use smooth knitted bath towels at home, smooth knitted hand towels, washcloths. They move their bowels twice daily if they can. The husband eats very slowly. Although, I thought last night he did very well with the sandwich!

These two work alongside one another the way the pharmacist and his wife do—day in and day out—and the way Stella and Harvey did, day in and day out. It is judicious to defer intercourse with persistence.

From a card table on the sidewalk they sell neck­laces, earrings, brooches for the throat, or for near the face, for on the chest—bracelets and sometimes a bibelot. Everybody’s got about eight. They are all wrapped up in tissue paper, although everybody didn’t figure on being so tired out, so hungry, and so sad, and so lonely.

You see the wife has permitted a sensible and complete entrance of air into the vagina.

She has a large bosom and otherwise is a small, narrow person.

This is what shall occur—a complete new set of prohibitions—because there is pretty much wrong with practically everything that they have ever put onto their table for their enemies, come to think of it.