The King Emperor
They say they sat on the moldy border near a Kousa dogwood, under a different low-growing tree, which is the oldest tree in the story. It has arching branches, red berries, and fine-textured, robust bark.
Both were commenting that there is always something each wishes for that comes true.
He took his neckerchief off and the gauntlets, and his soiled coat—touched it willingly on the sleeve—and fawned over the woman whose name is Beth Schwenk and I am not just blowing smoke up your ass. He said, “Oh, you have been everywhere!”
People—and I do too—present stories and stories about him just to destabilize.
He had the clamber to hump Schwenk and to enjoy what he frogged or was able to wring off as a prisoner of the love scene.
There is much impertinence in trying to make more of this public.
He’s sure got a weak spot for her, but it’s getting harder all of the time at the dirty end of his stick when his chances come to pass in reality.
Just to have a name like his name must be such a pleasure. He’s had two chances. Now they hear him promising.
It sounds as if he’s right around the corner now in all of June, even if he had to stand in the no-hope-for-you corridor.
He knows the collections of laws.
He has relief in The House decorated by Blue China Furs and semi-evergreen shrubs with poorly-stemmed flowers planted in well-drained soil. The House is equipped with tiles and portraits of people who see right through me. It’s heartbreaking pretending to be sympathetic to him. He taught his horse to jump. Yes, he’s voluptuous and kind and the eldest son of the first gentleman. Some of the most momentous daughters and sons come from that guy.
He is popular with the people, unplain in face, and one of the great men with his plump heart so animadverted upon.
He wasn’t as great as this before this rain. He will be hardly much different after the rain.
He took the candle and the blankets and is noisy and difficult because he’s the fellow who lives with Beth Schwenk and what shoots forth from him he pledges is the light in his eyes. Schwenk waits for me.
I see what this is. I’ve screwed my head off in the middle of my neck for the royalty.