Other Rash
Peter pets her. He says, “I said I’ve been experiencing a little rash on my wrists and just under my eyebrows from exposure to epoxy resins which I have been working in to complete the sanitary project. I have to get some medicine to treat it.”
She says, “Good luck.”
You hear the snap—it really pulls the two halves together!
There were dark red dots—they were small—and Peter said they were a nuisance all over the place on the second floor verandah. The tree had three or four branches. They were growing and he was thinking he should get rid of them. So, he showed her this—this which—he picked up one of them—well what do they look like? They look like little, little, li—very small olives, so he dug his nail into it and he peeled off a little of the meat, little more than a skin, that’s it, and the pit is big, is big, and the color is—he is tasting the meat and it was dry and sweet and a little bit leathery—an intense flavor of cherry—so Peter said they shouldn’t cut the tree.
It’s a very nice tree. He said they were very lucky to have this very nice tree. He had no intention of using the fruit. This is a black cherry tree, so now, so what else do you want to know about Peter’s cherry tree? It grew out of a cluster.
I bet you that tree was about sixty or eighty years old. The problem is it shades his whole backyard, but then after he tasted the cherries and they were good, maybe he reconsidered. His house doesn’t have a cellar and the first floor is really—the tree branches are all around you, really quite beautiful, if you need this vapor.