APPEALS COURT A court to which a dissatisfied party may appeal a decision.
APPELLANT A person or party who appeals a lawsuit.
APPELLEE A person or party in whose favor a previous decision is being appealed.
BRIEF A written document used to present an argument in court.
CIRCUIT COURT A higher appeals court. There are thirteen federal circuit courts as part of the judicial branch of government.
CLAIMANT A person filing a claim for damage.
CLASS ACTION SUIT A lawsuit in which the petitioner’s case is used to settle all potential cases with the same claim.
DE MINIMIS NON CURAT LEX “The law does not concern itself with trifles.”
DISSENT A judge’s written disagreement with the majority decision.
DOCKET The calendar of cases.
FEDERAL COURT A court under the jurisdiction of the federal judiciary.
HEARING A formal presentation of a complaint at which all interested parties have an opportunity to respond.
IN LOCO PARENTIS “In place of the parents.”
KANGAROO COURT A court thrown together at the last minute with no regard for justice.
MINOR A person under the legal age of adulthood, usually eighteen or twenty-one.
OYEZ, OYEZ, OYEZ “Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye.” What the clerk of the Supreme Court says when the court is in session.
PETITIONER A person who brings a lawsuit.
PRO BONO “For good.” A lawyer or law firm that takes a case pro bono does not charge for its services.
PRO HAC VICE “For this occasion only.” A person who is not a member of the Supreme Court Bar but who is otherwise eligible may make arguments pro hac vice.
PROCHAIN AMI “Next friend.” Even without their parents’ permission, minors can sue if they have a prochain ami, or a grownup willing to file the suit for them.
RESPONDENT The person or entity that is being sued.
SUPREME COURT The highest court in the land. A decision by the Supreme Court is final unless overturned by a future Supreme Court.
WRIT OF CERTIORARI A formal request of the Supreme Court to hear a case.