A.M. V. HOLMES Upheld the arrest of a thirteen-year-old boy for fake-burping in gym class. The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling was let stand by the Supreme Court.
BETHEL SCHOOL DISTRICT V. FRASER Upheld the suspension of a student for obscene speech.
BOARD OF EDUCATION V. EARLS Gave schools the right to require drug testing of all students who participate in extracurricular activities (fictionalized here as Lee v. Oklahoma School District).
BROWN V. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF TOPEKA, KANSAS Unanimous decision that declared the doctrine of “separate but equal” unconstitutional.
BUSH V. GORE Held that the state of Florida’s court-ordered manual recount of ballots in the 2000 presidential election was unconstitutional.
ENGEL V. VITALE Prohibited state-sponsored prayer at school.
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION V. ABERCROMBIE & FITCH Protected job applicants from discriminatory dress codes.
GOSS V. LOPEZ Established education as a property right.
GRISWOLD V. CONNECTICUT Established a zone of privacy for married couples in the bedroom.
HAZELWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT V. KUHLMEIER Gave principals the right to censor student-run newspapers.
HEDGEPETH V. WASHINGTON METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY Upheld the arrest of a twelve-year-old girl for eating a french fry.
HODGE V. TALKIN Lower court ruling that the Supreme Court let stand. Allowed a ban on speech and assembly on the plaza of the Supreme Court.
IN RE GAULT Established that minors have constitutional rights.
MIRANDA V. ARIZONA Protected the Fifth Amendment right to remain silent.
MORSE V. FREDERICK Gave schools the right to limit student speech if it is disruptive of school activities.
OBERGEFELL V. HODGES Gave same-sex couples the right to marry.
PIERCE V. SOCIETY OF SISTERS Upheld the right of states to regulate schools and to examine both teachers and pupils.
SANTA FE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT V. DOE Affirmed Engel v. Vitale against prayer in public schools.
TINKER V. DES MOINES INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Gave students the right to protest at school as long as they don’t disrupt class.
WARREN V. BOARD OF EDUCATION Declared homework unconstitutional.