Chapter Twenty


Vivien's visit



"I hope you don't mind, Rusty, I brought you some clothes from your closet." Vivien was saying the next morning. "I thought you might need a few things and I wasn't snooping. I locked the office up for the day. I'm taking the day off, it's been kind of hectic."

"I don't mind at all. Glad you could find some things. And I appreciate you bringing them over. I'm sure when you made the trip out here, you weren't expecting something like this to happen." Rusty smiled at her.

"No, but I'm so glad I came. You needed me more than I anticipated. I can see that now. You have a full practice here, and the people adore you. I'm very proud of you Rusty. You've accomplished so much. Now don't you fret so. This will all be over soon and you can go home. And I'll be waiting for you to get out. So…just leave me your dirty clothes, I'll wash them."

"I hate to have you wash them." Rusty frowned. "You don't need to be doing my laundry."

"Nonsense, today I've set aside for things of the mundane. I want to forget I'm a doctor for a little while, and just be a lady."

"And a fine one you are." He smiled and stroked her cheek through the bars.

"This nightmare will be over soon…I'm sure of it."

"I hope so…for both our sakes."

"There is a razor in there and a few other things I thought you might use." Vivien smiled through the bars at him. "I wish you didn't have to go through this."

"Me too, but I guess it is the safest place to be." Rusty admitted.

"Do you need anything else?" She asked coming closer.

"No, how are you holding out? Had much business?" He asked as he came to cover her hands at the bars.

"Yes, quite a few of your regulars came in to see me. Old Mrs. Stanley came in, needed some medicine for her heart. I checked what you'd been giving her and how often and gave it to her. I'm so glad we went over some of the files together, otherwise I might not have been able to help her. Mr. Henderson thought he had a mild heart attack, turned out he just had indigestion. I sent him home with some medicine and bed rest. Buck Trenton came in with a broken arm from being tossed from a wild mustang. I set it for him. I tried to give him medicine for his pain, but he wouldn't take it."

"Buck would rather eat dirt than take a pain medicine. I've tried the same and he always refused. But, I can't tell you how much it means to me to have you here." Rusty began.

"I know…" she whispered.

"I'd hoped your first visit would be more pleasant." Rusty smiled.

She squeezed his hand, "Don't worry about it. I'm just glad I could help you. I rather like it here, the people are friendly and I get to see you…And oddly enough, they seem to accept me as a doctor. I find that odd since I've had some places almost throw me out of town."

"The west is different than the east, Vivien, out here doctors are needed so bad, no one can afford to be picky about whether you are female or male. And the people here are very nice, as a general rule. It's just this case seems to have thrown them into some strange panic."

"Yes, I understand. In a few months, everything will settle out, I'm sure." Veronica smiled.

"I'd like to have you stay on here. We could do so much together, but I guess you are looking forward to starting you own practice?"

Vivien studied him a long moment, her face serious. "I'll consider it, Rusty. I really will…And when you get out of here, we'll talk about it again, okay?"

"Good…" He smiled

When Jim interrupted them, she made her excuses and left.

Ruby came in a few minutes later. She came straight back to the cells and smiled at Fred. "Hey Fred, I fed your dog, and got you a few things to wear. Just leave your dirty clothes out here and I'll take care of them."

"Thank you ma'am. It was nice of you. Did Bodiddle give you any trouble?"

"Your dog is very friendly, at first I wasn't sure he would be, he's so big. But he's a real pussy cat, and such a shiny coat he has." She smiled. "You must feed him well."

"You probably wouldn't believe it but I mix fresh catfish in with his food. He loves it, and it does give him a shiny coat."

"He's a beauty."

"He don't like most men, but women, he caves in for." Fred laughed.

"I locked the place up as good as I could and made sure everything was turned off before I left."

"Thank you ma'am for taking care of things." Fred nodded. "It's mighty kind of you."

"Hey, this will all blow over before long and just be a bad memory. Don't you fret none. Jim will take good care of you."

"Yes ma'am, he already has. And I guess I'm getting used to the four walls as good as I can. Things like this teaches you a lot of patience."

"That's true. Jim said Smitty is on the way back with supper so I'll let you go. But if you need anything, get word to me, you hear."

"Thank you, Miss Ruby." Fred smiled.

Smitty had gone to get the evening meal from the café and as Ruby closed the door she went straight into Jim's arms. "God, I've missed you, Jim. I've been so worried."

The flame of desire and sensual light in her eyes made him pull her tight against him. Needing the feel of the warm and beautiful body to assure him. He kissed her tenderly and held her in his arms. "Me too."

The intensity of their feelings for each other seemed magnified. He gloried in the love she returned him. He wanted her here and now and without any barriers between them. It was impossible, and yet just holding her brought so much relief to him he couldn't express it in words. But the way he held her, so gently in his arms, and the way she responded to his kisses told him everything he needed to know about her.

Ruby was his for the taking. Only that day would come much later. And someday she would know just how much he valued her, respected her, and gloried in her love for him. She would be treated like the lady she was. For someday, Ruby Mae Casings would be his bride. He was never more sure than this moment of bliss in her arms. She gave him strength and hope for their future together. And they would have a future together.

It was a luxury neither shared often, but right now Jim needed a warm heart and maybe even a few kisses.

As he pulled away he looked into her soft brown eyes. His heart turned over in his chest, and for a moment he couldn't speak. "When this is all over, I want to talk to you…"

"Oh you do, do you?" She chuckled.

"Yes ma'am, I do…" he whispered just before he took her in his arms and kissed her hard and long. Ruby's kisses reminded him that there was a better world than where he had been living lately. It took all the bad away and gave him courage to face what he would eventually face.

When he pulled away, they were both struggling for air. "I love you Jim Bonner." She whispered.

"I love you too, Ruby." He nuzzled her ear lobe.

"Stop that," she fussed. "I want you too, but this sure isn't the time nor the place."

"I only wish it were…"

"I know. But I’m not here to distract you. I'm leaving, you now, just remember we have a date…" She promised, kissed him lightly on the lips and headed for the door. "And…please be careful. The mayor and his mob of up standing citizens were in the saloon the other night, boasting at how they would take care of things, if you didn't. I think they meant it, Jim. I know how it pains you to have to stand against them, but they really aren't thinking very straight. They don't want to listen to reason. They've made up their minds. It's hard to believe that some of them would join in on this…"

"Don't fret. They won't get in here. I didn't have that door installed for nothing."

"But will they give up?"

"I don't know. If they want this thing solved they better. I can't be in both places at once."

"I know honey. Is there anything I can do?"

"Only keep your ears open. If anything changes in their plans send me word. Don't come out here when they riot in front of the jail. Stay in the saloon. Everything will settle down as soon as I can get a lead on this. I've got some ideas already and I just have to have some time to work through them."

"In the meantime…we have a date…" She smiled breathlessly.

"We sure do, lady," He smiled as she walked out and Smitty walked in. He'd remember the love that shone from her eyes forever.