
  1. How many triggers can an Azure Function have?
    • They must always have only one trigger.
    • They cannot have triggers.
    • More than one trigger.
    • Zero or one trigger.
  2. How many bindings can an Azure Function have?
    • They must always have only one binding.
    • They cannot have bindings.
    • As many bindings as you want.
    • At most, one binding.
  3. What does TriggerListener do?
    • Manages custom events and executes Azure Functions when they occur.
    • Opens a socket connection to the Azure Functions runtime and tracks errors.
    • It is used by the runtime only to open HTTP connections to the internet.
  1. How can you add a custom extension to the Azure Functions runtime?
    • You need to modify the Azure Functions runtime source code and rebuild it.
    • You can use the AddExtension method of the IWebJobsBuilder interface in the configuration phase of the startup phase.
    • You cannot add a custom extension to the Azure Functions runtime.
    • You have to create a TimerTrigger function that, periodically, adds the extension to the runtime.