To Ann Godoff,
thank you for your trust, and for letting me tell the world my story.
To Casey Denis and the rest of the Penguin Press team,
thank you.
To Michael Psaltis,
my agent, thank you.
To Mika Takeuchi,
thank you for showing up.
To Laura Carrillo,
a true friend that has always been there for me no matter what, we will never stop laughing.
To Katherine Keon,
you inspire me. Thank you for being in my life and sharing the gift of life, Charlotte and Olivia.
To Lucky Rapp,
you are extraordinary. Thank you for your unconditional love and friendship.
To Laurent DuPont,
merci pour ta grande amitié, jet’aime.
To Kristen Hetland,
thank you for being you and lifting me up anytime I needed it. Most of all, thank you for loving me.
To Tiffany Bushnell,
thank you for your wicked mind and your amazing friendship.
To Nicole Mackinlay Hahn and Jill Andresevic,
you have given me so much through the years, I am honored to be your friend and to be on this creative journey with both of you.
To Russell Jackson,
I love you, my friend.
To Maria Canabal,
You have showed me what friendship is about,and unconditional love. Thank you.
To all my friends, my team, and my business partner, thank you for believing in me.