To Jessica Wade, who believes in Alex and my story and who worked with me to make sure that story was told. There are not thanks enough for everything you’ve done for me through the process of getting this book out on shelves. And to the entire team at Roc, who makes this series possible.
To my fabulous agent, Lucienne Diver, for believing in my voice and getting the books out to the world.
To the Tri Mu: Christy, Nikki, Sarah, Vert, and Vikki, and to George for your encouragement and honest critiques.
To all the speakers and instructors at the Writer’s Police Academy. I took great liberties with what you taught me, but you gave me a solid base from which to spring.
To my friends and family, who encourage and support me, and to the artists, authors, and musicians who inspire me.
And to the readers. This story is for you, and I hope you enjoy Alex’s continuing adventure.
Thank you all. You all mean more to me than I can say.