Tribute for the Viking

by Calandra Hunter

Copyright 2013 Calandra Hunter

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any mannerwhatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.



Bjarni pulled Eadwulf closer, forcing him to stand with his back to Bjarni’s chest, one big arm holding him there. “Let’s get you clean, thrall,” the Viking murmured into Eadwulf’s ear.

The resulting shiver had nothing to do with the cold. He could feel Bjarni’s soft cock against his lower back, the strong muscles of the Viking’s arm easily keeping him trapped. But escape was the last thing on Eadwulf’s mind, as he felt surprisingly safe, and also warm being held this close. His own arms hung useless by his side. “Yes, master,” he whispered, a small part of him wanting nothing more than to lean against Bjarni, but he made himself stand up straight. This was about getting clean.

The hand of Bjarni’s free arm ran across Eadwulf side, slow and gentle, rubbing against his stomach and pressing down firmly. Eadwulf gasped at the touch, forcing him closer to Bjarni. The Viking’s exploration of Eadwulf’s slender body continued, across his chest and hardened nipples, and Eadwulf bit his lip to keep quiet. He didn’t want to sigh or moan in pleasure at the tender touches, and he tried to keep still. “You’re so smooth,” Bjarni said quietly into his ear, his fingers circling around Eadwulf’s left nipple.

He was glad that Bjarni didn’t seem to care about his lack of hair, that the Viking appeared to like it, even. “It’s warmer where we live,” he replied.

The Viking laughed, and Eadwulf felt it against his back, a huff of warm breath across his cold shoulder. “It can be warm here too, my little wolf, especially at night.”


Eadwulf stood nervously in the hall of the local ealdorman. Along with nine other youths from the local villages, they were chosen to be offered as tribute to the Vikings, who returned to their shores every few years. They wanted gold and other riches, and they didn’t care whether the locals gave them willingly or not.

The King had ordered his ealdormen to appease the Vikings with gifts of anything valuable. Gold, silver, jewellery, it didn’t matter. Even food would do, so long as villages weren’t burned down or people killed.

Unfortunately, the recent harvests hadn’t been good, and now the ealdorman, a cowardly man named Harold, had decided to offer up some slaves for the Vikings. He had demanded each of the local villages would send one man or woman of age to be sent away with the barbarians.

Eadwulf and the other unmarried young men and women of his village had drawn straws. Fate had chosen Aelfred, Eadwulf’s older brother. Eadwulf hadn’t hesitated to volunteer himself. Aelfred was going to marry soon and take care of their parents’ farm. Aelfred was tall and strong, and far better with the farm than Eadwulf was, who was wiry and skinny. Aelfred was needed far more than Eadwulf.

Standing in the line-up now, waiting for the arrival of the Vikings, he was starting to regret his rash decision. It wasn’t his first, and Eadwulf suspected it wouldn’t be his last. He hoped that whatever Viking master he ended up serving wouldn’t be too strict with him.

At last the arrival of the Vikings was announced, and a guard ordered them all to stand straight. Eadwulf was slightly dismayed to find that the girl next to him was taller than he was. He sighed. His future Viking master was not going to be happy with him.

He put his best brave face on when the band of barbarians came in, clad in thick brown leather. None of them carried weapons, at least not visible ones. Eadwulf suspected they had plenty of hidden knives and weapons underneath those layers of clothes. The six Vikings were all over six feet tall, and Eadwulf guessed that one or two were probably close to seven feet. They looked vicious, glaring at nearby guards and huffing into their beards whenever one dared to get too close. With their broad chests and thick arms and legs, they could probably beat the guards without much effort.

Eadwulf did his best to stand up straight and not reveal how terrified he was. He reminded himself of how happy Aelfred would be with his bride, how the farm would provide them with a better harvest soon and how his parents would be cared for.

The leader, the tallest of them all, strode forward. With his dark hair tied back and his short beard he was the most imposing of them all. His eyes searched the room until they landed on Harold, who was cowering next to his guards.

“Where is the gold?” the Viking asked. His accent was thick, and Eadwulf had to strain to understand it.

Harold took a few hesitant steps forward. “We are very, very sorry, your Lordship, but the recent harvests have failed and we were barely able to provide for our own people. Many starved to death.”

Eadwulf rolled his eyes at that. The only reason people had starved was because the ealdorman had demanded his usual large share of the food. If he had rationed fairly, more people would be alive today.

“Where is the gold?” the Viking asked, clearly not impressed with Harold’s explanation.

“Ah, well, we know you value hardworking men and women, so we thought that instead of gold, we would offer you... slaves.” Harold smiled nervously. “They are excellent farmers, your Lordship.”

“I am no Lord.” The Viking turned away from Harold without giving him a second glance, then strode towards the row of villagers. He started at the other end of the line, glaring down at every one, occasionally grabbing someone’s arms or legs, inspecting them like cattle.

Eadwulf’s nerves were fraught by the time the Viking got to him. He towered over Eadwulf, who barely even reached the man’s shoulders. Eadwulf averted his gaze, letting his blond curls fall over his eyes and focused on the stitching on the Viking’s tunic instead. Whoever had made that tunic had done a fine job, he noticed absentmindedly.

Suddenly, his chin was held in a firm grip, and his face was turned upwards, forcing him to look the Viking in the face. Eadwulf gulped as his blue eyes met the Viking’s stormy grey ones. Rough fingers slid across his cheeks, and the Viking frowned.

“He has no hair. Is this little one still a boy?” he asked, looking at Harold.

Eadwulf felt his face turn red as some of the nearby guards and even the girl next to him quietly laughed. All right, so he wasn’t the tallest here and he didn’t exactly have a beard as impressive as the Vikings, but that didn’t make him a boy. “I’m a man,” he snapped.

When the Viking’s gaze went back to his, Eadwulf regretted speaking and bit his lip. “We shall find out.”

The Viking let go of him, and Eadwulf let out a sigh of relief, immediately looking at the floor when the Viking kept looking at him.

“We will take them all,” the Viking declared, walking back to the ealdorman. “But next time we will take your gold, whether you offer it or not.”

“Thank you, your Lordship, thank you, next time we will prepare a proper tribute,” Harold babbled, bowing his head repeatedly.

The Viking, already bored by the ealdormen, turned to his five men and told them something in a harsh language Eadwulf couldn’t understand. He assumed it was an order to take them away, as the five Vikings all came for them, easily grabbing two villagers each and tying their hands with rope.

A second rope was tied around his neck, so tight it nearly choked him. The Viking who took Eadwulf glared at him. “You fight, you die,” he told Eadwulf, tugging on the leash with a grin.

Eadwulf wasn’t entirely surprised that the Viking’s limited vocabulary contained the words ‘fight’ and ‘die’.


There was nothing, Bjarni thought, like sailing home. In the distance, he could see the shore already and smiled. It had been a successful enough raid, collecting tribute from three ealdormen and burning down one town that thought it could defy them.

He glanced at their Saxon passengers. He hadn’t counted on bringing back slaves, but most of them looked strong enough to fetch a decent price. His Jarl would be pleased with that. And as for the slender youth who had insisted that he was a man, well, Bjarni had use for him.

He could use a new thrall in the home he lived in with his wife Dagmaer. There was plenty of work to be done in the house and on the land. And with a face as pretty as any maid’s, Bjarni definitely had use for him in bed. Dagmaer wouldn’t allow female concubines into their home, too worried they would bear him children before she could, but she wouldn’t say no to a male one.

The new thrall had already shown spirit, and Bjarni looked forward to the struggle that would no doubt ensue when he realised what exactly Bjarni was going to do with him. He felt his cock stir at the thought of wrestling the youth under him, straining against Bjarni’s tight grip. He could imagine the anxiety in those bright blue eyes, the desperate pants coming from those full lips.

Oh yes, Bjarni could definitely imagine that mouth wrapped around his cock, those blue eyes staring up at him as Bjarni held him, a tight fist in those curls to keep him in his place as Bjarni fucked his mouth. Once he was satisfied, he would remove his cock and let his seed mark the smaller man’s blushing cheeks, claiming him as his own.

His cock was straining against the leather of his trousers now, his fevered thoughts running wild as he wondered what the younger man would look like naked, kneeling down before him and about to take his cock up his arse. Trembling and nervous, or as stubbornly defiant as this afternoon? He couldn’t wait to find out, but Bjarni forced himself to think of different things. It wouldn’t do for his friends to see him like this. They would assume he had missed his wife, but it would still be embarrassing. As the leader of this raid, he was supposed to have some self-control.

Focusing on other, more important manners, Bjarni willed his erection away. A few nights with his wife to deal with his immediate lusts, and he would be ready to tame his new Saxon thrall.


Eadwulf worried when the other nine villagers were led away to the Jarl while his leash was grabbed by the vicious Viking leader. “Where are they going?” he asked.

“To the Jarl. He will inspect them before they are sold,” he told Eadwulf, tugging firmly on the leash to make Eadwulf follow him.

“Don’t I need to be inspected?” he asked, nearly tripping from the sheer force. Not that he wanted to be inspected and sold, but he felt safer with the others. They were the only thing to remind him of home, and now he was separated from them. “I’m not sick, I promise.”

“You do not need to be inspected because you will not be sold, little one.” The Viking smirked at him from over his shoulder. “Because you are mine.”

Eadwulf stopped walking. “What?” he asked. Why would this man want him as a slave? Another vicious tug, the rope chafing roughly against his skin, made Eadwulf break into a brief run to catch up. “What will my duties be?” He suddenly had a panicked thought. What if these barbarians practised human sacrifice? They didn’t believe in God, Eadwulf knew that. And they relished in killing. Perhaps the leader was going to sacrifice him to thank their gods for a safe journey.

“You will find out soon enough, little one,” the Viking told him, striding ahead down the path. He was leading Eadwulf away from the small harbour.

Again with the little. “I’m not that small,” he huffed. “And my name is Eadwulf.”

This time, the Viking stopped. Eadwulf walked into him and would’ve fallen if the Viking hadn’t grabbed hold of his arm. Eadwulf glanced up. Now that they were this close, the Viking’s size was even more impressive. His hand easily fit around Eadwulf’s bicep, and Eadwulf gulped at the glare aimed at him. “Wolf?” the Viking replied, snorting. “I am Bjarni. That means bear.”

Eadwulf couldn’t imagine a more fitting name for this strong, large man. That beard probably wasn’t the only overly hairy part of his body. Not that Eadwulf had given that much thought. “Very well, Bjarni.”

The Viking’s grip on his arm tightened, and Eadwulf yelped. “You will call me master, thrall.”

Thrall, of course, that was what they called slaves. “Very well, master,” he tried, the word sounding awkward to him. When he risked looking up at the Viking, he smiled a little.

“Well done, little wolf. We may make a decent thrall out of you yet.”

Eadwulf scowled when the Viking’s back was turned and they continued walking.


Dagmaer flung her arms around him in greeting. “You’re back,” she whispered, relieved.

Bjarni held his wife tight against him, burying his nose in her long, brown hair, taking comfort in the familiar feeling and scent of her. Now he felt truly at home. “I am,” he replied, smiling down at her.

Then she noticed Eadwulf, who was still standing outside, looking unsure. “Who is that?” she asked.

“He is our new thrall,” he told his wife, tugging on the leash again to pull Eadwulf inside. “He can help us around the house. One of the English ealdormen offered us slaves instead of gold. This one I decided to keep.”

Dagmaer approached Eadwulf, looking him up and down critically. Eadwulf still looked confused, clearly not understanding a word. “He doesn’t seem very strong.” She prodded his arms and chest. “How will he work our land?”

“Though he is a man, he’s young enough and he’ll grow stronger,” Bjarni assured her. “So long as we do not work him to death.”

His wife shrugged, then turned to him. “And he is pretty,” she said, a teasing smile around her lips. “Almost prettier than me.”

He laughed, not surprised his wife had realised the true reason why he had chosen Eadwulf to keep. “No man is prettier than you, Dagmaer.” He was relieved she didn’t seem to be jealous or annoyed.

After one last glance at Eadwulf, Dagmaer joined Bjarni’s side again for a hug. “You are more than enough to keep me satisfied, husband. But if you wish to bed this Saxon, you have my permission to try.”

Try? He frowned at that. “You think I cannot do it?” He was far stronger than Eadwulf, and his wife would never doubt it.

“I think he will put up quite a fight,” she said, still smiling. “From what I heard, Saxon men aren’t accustomed to be fucked by other men.”

It wasn’t a custom for Viking men either. Being the one who was taken was shameful, the worst kind of dishonour. No one would judge him, a married man, for fucking a male thrall. But only cowards and weak men would willingly be taken. He glanced at Eadwulf, who was looking around the home with great interest. The Saxons might be different, but they had similar ideas about men fucking men. “How fortunate,” he replied to his wife, “that I enjoy a good fight. I will have him under me within a week.”

Dagmaer leaned up to press a kiss against his cheek. “So long as you remember to have me first, my husband.”

“No need to worry about that,” he replied, grabbing her tight for a deeper kiss. He had missed his wife, and he knew how much she had missed him. His first night back would be spent with her. As he pulled back, he glanced at Eadwulf. The younger man was blushing, and looked down. “Go chop wood for the fire,” he ordered, switching to a language Eadwulf would understand. “My wife and I will be some time.”

Dagmaer laughed as Eadwulf swiftly ran outside. “You are not worried he will run away?”

He snorted. “Where would he run to? Everyone in the village knows he’s mine and he will get lost in the woods. I don’t think he is that foolish.”

“Good, I would be most displeased if you had brought me a fool for a thrall,” Dagmaer told him, then slid her hand down his tunic. “Now let me welcome you back, husband.”

Putting his plans for the young Saxon aside for now, Bjarni lost himself in his wife.


It had been an uncomfortable night for Eadwulf, and he ached when he woke up the next day. No one had untied the knot around his neck, so he had slept with it on the hard bed. The furs were very welcome, but it had still been a colder night than he was accustomed to.

He shivered as he walked into the central room of the house, finding Dagmaer there. “Good morning,” he said, hesitant. He wasn’t sure if Bjarni’s wife understood him.

She nodded, then handed him a large but shallow bowl. “Fill with water,” she told him, then pointed outside. “From the well.”

He nodded back, then went to fetch the water. Upon his return, Bjarni sat at the table, drinking from his tankard. Eadwulf paused, not sure where to put the bowl. Bjarni beckoned him over and Eadwulf moved to stand in front of him expectantly, lowering the bowl.

To Eadwulf’s surprise, Bjarni used the water to clean his face and splashed some on his hair and beard, combing through it to tidy it. He then gestured at Eadwulf to offer it to Dagmaer, who did the same thing.

He wondered if this was a daily thing. Back home, he and his family only washed themselves when necessary, which was rarely. He put the bowl on another, smaller table, then waited for an order. After the boat journey and yesterday’s events, Eadwulf hoped he would get some food.

Dagmaer joined her husband, and they both ate first, eating bread and some stew with their watered down ale. The smell of it made Eadwulf’s stomach rumble, but the couple ignored him to talk quietly amongst themselves. He really needed to pick up this harsh language of theirs, because he heard his name a few times. He wondered if they were saying anything good.

Once they were finished, Eadwulf was allowed to eat as well, some scraps of bread and some of the leftover stew. He ate it happily, not even caring that it tasted different from the meals he was used to. It tasted just fine, especially with the watered down ale.

The rest of the morning he did chores for Dagmaer, helping her with the animals and the house. She had also finally taken the rope from around his neck, much to his relief. Bjarni had gone into the village, and didn’t return until it was midday. He went into the house briefly, then returned with two blankets. Eadwulf wondered what those were for.

“Thrall, come here,” the Viking said.

Eadwulf came running over. “Yes?”

Bjarni shook his head. “Yes, who?”

Of course. Eadwulf gritted his teeth. “Yes, master.”

“Much better,” Bjarni told him. “Tell me, how often do your people wash or bathe?”

Eadwulf shrugged. “When necessary, so maybe once a month, or once every two months. Master,” he added, after a slight pause.

The Viking frowned. “How do you live?” he muttered. “You will clean yourself more often than that while you sleep under my roof. Come, I will take you to the lake.”

So that was what the blankets were for. “But it’s cold,” he argued. Bjarni didn’t really think Eadwulf would happily strip off his clothes with this weather?”

“And you are filthy,” Bjarni replied, and pulled him up by the scruff of his tunic. “And my thrall. So stop disobeying before I make you sleep outside.”

Forced on his toes, Eadwulf struggled to keep standing. “Y-yes, master,” he replied quickly.

Bjarni shoved the blankets at him. “Then let’s go.”

Eadwulf turned to look at Dagmaer, who gestured for him to follow her husband, smiling to herself. He sighed, and ran off after the bigger man. He supposed washing couldn’t be all that bad.

The walk towards the lake was quiet, Eadwulf looking around keenly. There were no other people around, so if he ever wanted to escape, this might be a good route. Although where would he go? How would he survive? There were plants he didn’t recognise, and he knew no one in this land. For now, he had to stay with Bjarni.

They arrived at the forest lake, which was bigger than Eadwulf had expected. He had thought it would be maybe one or two feet deep, but this looked like a lake where a man might drown. Had Bjarni brought him here for that purpose? For some reason, Eadwulf didn’t think Bjarni was the type to do that. If he wanted to kill Eadwulf, he would have done so at the house, in front of Dagmaer.

He turned to Bjarni to ask where to drop the blankets, but his mind turned blank when he saw that the Viking had already taken his tunic off, revealing his muscular back and arms to Eadwulf, who could only stare. The man’s biceps were as thick as Eadwulf’s thighs, probably thicker. Some part of Eadwulf longed to reach out and touch him, to feel the ripple of muscles underneath his fingers.

Bjarni turned to look at Eadwulf expectantly. “You too, thrall, unless you want me to drag you in with your clothes on.” He smirked.

Eadwulf was too busy looking at Bjarni’s chest to take in his words. The Viking was as hairy as he had expected, thick dark hairs covering his chest and turning into a thinner trail further down, ending at the Viking’s belt. “What?”

Bjarni’s laugh snapped Eadwulf out of it. “Your clothes, thrall,” he said, amused. “Take them off before I throw you in the lake.”

That had Eadwulf drop the blankets to take his own clothes off immediately. As cold as he was now, it would be worse if he had to walk back in wet clothes. He felt embarrassed by his own body as he stripped off, more aware than ever that he was scrawny and smaller than the Viking.

He hopped around to get his boots off, finding it hard to focus with Bjarni standing there, also getting naked. The few glances he got were enough to make him nearly fall over, much to Bjarni’s amusement. Eadwulf cursed himself. What had got into him? Why couldn’t he stop staring at Bjarni? It was probably because he had never seen a man that broad and tall before, he told himself. That was it. He was simply curious, and the novelty would soon wear off.

Eadwulf managed to disrobe himself without further incidents, and looked up expectantly at the Viking. His eyes couldn’t help but follow the trail of thick hair from Bjarni’s chest to his stomach and down to his groin, landing on the biggest cock Eadwulf had ever seen. Even soft it was impressive.

“If you have looked your fill, thrall, there’s the lake,” Bjarni told him, smiling smugly. “I will help you get clean.”

That had Eadwulf hesitating before taking another step towards the lake. “Help?” he asked.

Bjarni nodded, taking Eadwulf by the arm and leading them to the shore. “You are clearly not very good at cleaning yourself,” he said, nodding at the streaks of old mud on Eadwulf’s bare and hairless chest. “I will teach you.”

Did that mean the Viking would touch him? Run his big hands all over Eadwulf’s body? A part of him liked the idea of that, of having the Viking that close. Eadwulf tried to suppress the thoughts and allowed himself to be dragged into the water, swearing when his feet and calves hit the cold water. “No!” he yelled, trying to pull back, but Bjarni was merciless.

“Y will get used to it,” the Viking told him, and waded further into the lake, forcing Eadwulf with him.

He yelped again when the water hit his own soft cock and balls, shivering at the sudden cold. “How do you stand it?” he yelled, as Bjarni led him on.

“You get used to it,” Bjarni repeated, but even he hissed when the cold water lapped at his balls. Eadwulf took some satisfaction in that. Bjarni might be strong, but he was still a man. “This is far enough,” he concluded, once the water was up to his hips.

For Eadwulf, it meant the water was well above his belly button, and he was relieved they weren’t going to go much deeper. “Good,” he grumbled. He had to admit that the cold water wasn’t as bad now as it had been at first, but he wasn’t going to tell Bjarni that.

Bjarni pulled Eadwulf closer, forcing him to stand with his back to Bjarni’s chest, one big arm holding him there. “Let’s get you clean, thrall,” the Viking murmured into Eadwulf’s ear.

The resulting shiver had nothing to do with the cold. He could feel Bjarni’s soft cock against his lower back, the strong muscles of the Viking’s arm easily keeping him trapped. But escape was the last thing on Eadwulf’s mind, as he felt surprisingly safe, and also warm being held this close. His own arms hung useless by his side. “Yes, master,” he whispered, a small part of him wanting nothing more than to lean against Bjarni, but he made himself stand up straight. This was about getting clean.

The hand of Bjarni’s free arm ran across Eadwulf side, slow and gentle, rubbing against his stomach and pressing down firmly. Eadwulf gasped at the touch, forcing him closer to Bjarni. The Viking’s exploration of Eadwulf’s slender body continued, across his chest and hardened nipples, and Eadwulf bit his lip to keep quiet. He didn’t want to sigh or moan in pleasure at the tender touches, and he tried to keep still. “You’re so smooth,” Bjarni said quietly into his ear, his fingers circling around Eadwulf’s left nipple.

He was glad that Bjarni didn’t seem to care about his lack of hair, that the Viking appeared to like it, even. “It’s warmer where we live,” he replied.

The Viking laughed, and Eadwulf felt it against his back, a huff of warm breath across his cold shoulder. “It can be warm here too, my little wolf, especially at night.”

There was an invitation there, and Eadwulf felt himself blush as Bjarni poured water down his back and over his head, making him wince when the cold droplets from his curls dripped down his neck. The water took dark mud with it, leaving Eadwulf’s skin paler and clean. The Viking then went to rub Eadwulf’s arms in slow, long strokes until those were clean as well, but Eadwulf felt himself sigh with relief when one strong arm went around his waist again to hold him close.

“Don’t you feel better now?” Bjarni asked, nuzzling Eadwulf’s cheek. The rasp of the Viking’s beard against his neck made Eadwulf gasp and tilt his head back to give Bjarni more space. “Cleaner?” the Viking murmured, his voice low in Eadwulf’s ear.

Eadwulf stared up at the bright blue sky, immensely grateful that the cold water kept his cock from hardening. He had never felt the stirrings of lust so strongly before. “Yes,” he gasped.

“Good.” Suddenly, he felt Bjarni’s arm wrap tighter around his waist, and with a grunt from the Viking, Eadwulf was lifted up, his feet and legs dangling uselessly in the water.

“Hey,” Eadwulf spluttered, kicking his feet back against Bjarni’s strong legs. “Put me down!”

Bjarni ignored his protests, and his free hand started to rub Eadwulf’s hips and thighs. “I have to clean you properly, thrall.” The new position meant Bjarni’s soft cock was nestled between Eadwulf’s cheeks, and Eadwulf’s struggles only made him more aware of that fact.

He stopped struggling, panting to catch his breath. It was useless, Bjarni was far stronger than him, so it was better to save his strength and enjoy being clean. He wondered if this would be a regular occurrence, if Bjarni would drag him to the lake and make him strip down more often.

Bjarni’s hands wandered from Eadwulf’s thighs to his cock, and the first touch made Eadwulf struggle again. No one else had ever touched him there, and the feeling of those big fingers increased the lust whirling inside of Eadwulf. It was a lust he didn’t want to feel for this Viking, not for any man who had taken him from his home. “You must be cleaned everywhere,” Bjarni told him, his mouth only a few inches away from Eadwulf’s ear. His hand was now closed around Eadwulf’s cock, moving up and down slowly. Eadwulf had no doubt that if he wasn’t in cold water, his cock would be hard right now. As it was, he could barely keep himself from thrusting into the Viking’s grip.

As he squirmed, Eadwulf felt Bjarni’s cock rub against his arse, and part of him liked it and wanted more. Wanted to feel what it would be like if Bjarni’s cock was hard. “Please,” he gasped, more confused than ever by his new desires. “I can’t –”

“Can’t what, thrall?” Bjarni whispered, his fist still pumping Eadwulf’s cock lazily. “Get hard?”

He flushed, embarrassed that the Viking knew what he was feeling. “Let go,” he pleaded. It was too much.

To his surprise, Bjarni did release his cock. Eadwulf’s relief was short, as Bjarni’s fingers slid over his hips only to end up on his cheeks, giving the flesh a firm squeeze.

Eadwulf yelped, and Bjarni chuckled in his ear. “How is that supposed to get me clean?” Eadwulf grumbled, embarrassed again. This Viking kept touching his body like he owned it, and Eadwulf hated himself for remembering that that was true.

“Good point,” Bjarni admitted. Two of his fingers slid between Eadwulf’s cheeks where Bjarni’s cock had just rested. The two fingers moved all the way down, just behind Eadwulf’s balls, before slowly making their way up to the top. They pressed against the sensitive flesh firmly, and Eadwulf let out a soft whine. Why did that feel so good? How did this Viking know where to touch him to make his body feel hot and his mind out of control?

Bjarni kept moving his fingers up and down slowly, tenderly stroking and rubbing the skin. Eadwulf found his own hips moving back against Bjarni’s fingers, wanting more. He didn’t know what ‘more’ was, only that he needed it.

The Viking seemed to know, and he used his hand to spread Eadwulf’s cheeks and slid one finger into Eadwulf’s hole. Eadwulf swore at the unexpected intrusion. Though he knew Bjarni’s finger was only one knuckle in, it felt like more. “Do you like that, thrall?” the Viking asked.

Eadwulf refused to reply, knowing that the only thing that would come out was a needy gasp, and he didn’t want to give Bjarni the satisfaction. Instead, he squirmed to get the finger out. It felt surprisingly good, but what he needed was a clear head.

“I said,” Bjarni repeated, tightening his hold on Eadwulf and stopping his struggles, “do you like that, thrall?” The Viking pushed his finger in further, then started to carefully move it in and out of Eadwulf’s hole. “Because I think you do.”

He moaned, because the feeling of that rough finger sliding in and out felt good, and once again his hips betrayed him. They found a rhythm that drove Bjarni’s finger deeper and Eadwulf moaned again, letting his head fall back against the Viking’s shoulder.

They stayed like that for some time, and Eadwulf began to wish for another finger, or perhaps something even bigger to fill him. He told himself he shouldn’t think such things, that men shouldn’t want to be fucked by other men. But with the Viking holding him so close and making him feel so good, Eadwulf couldn’t think of one reason why he shouldn’t want that. “I think you’re clean enough now, thrall,” Bjarni told him, and pulled out his finger and lowered Eadwulf until he could stand on his own.

Oh, right, because the Viking was a smug bastard who had enslaved him. A hot feeling of shame coursed through Eadwulf’s body.

Bjarni had already grabbed his arm and led them to the shore as Eadwulf told himself he was grateful it was over. “Time to get dry,” the Viking announced, as he threw Eadwulf one of the dry blankets.

Eadwulf began to pat himself down, starting with his head.

“No, thrall, you are supposed to dry me.”

He lowered the blanket to find Bjarni glaring at him, arms crossed. “You want me to –”

“Dry me, yes.” Bjarni took a step forward, and held out his arms.

Eadwulf gritted his teeth as he covered Bjarni’s left arm with the blanket and started to rub him dry. Bjarni’s smile turned smug, and Eadwulf kept his eyes on the blanket and tried not to think of the feeling of Bjarni’s muscles underneath his fingertips. He could feel how hard they were, how they shifted as Bjarni moved to give Eadwulf space to work. Part of him wanted to touch the Viking’s skin with his bare hands, but he quickly suppressed that thought, and reached up to dry Bjarni’s hair. Thankfully, the Viking leaned down to make it easier on Eadwulf.

He continued to work quietly, rubbing the blanket over Bjarni’s back and resisting the urge to glance down and admire the Viking’s firm arse. As he rubbed, he felt Bjarni’s skin become warmer under his hands, a sharp contrast to how cold he felt. He should work faster, he decided, as he made swift work of Bjarni’s right arm and chest, although Eadwulf’s hands lingered when he dried Bjarni’s chest and his eyes followed a droplet of water down the Viking’s stomach and towards his groin.

Eadwulf quickly looked up when he realised what his staring must look like, and found Bjarni smirking at him.

“You’re not done yet, thrall,” the Viking reminded him.

He knelt down to wrap the blanket around Bjarni’s thighs, careful not to touch the soft cock as he rubbed Bjarni’s legs dry, then leaned back. “Done,” he declared, and wrapped the blanket around himself. Even though it was damp, it was better than nothing. He started to get up, but Bjarni’s hand suddenly landed on his head and pressed him down.

“Done?” Bjarni repeated, frowning. “I think there’s an important part of me you have forgotten.” He turned Eadwulf’s head up, forcing him to look at Bjarni’s soft cock, still wet.

The Viking couldn’t be serious, and Eadwulf looked up at Bjarni’s grey eyes. He didn’t seem to be joking. He really wanted Eadwulf to dry his cock as well.

“Be thorough, thrall,” Bjarni ordered him.

Eadwulf bit his lip as he removed the blanket from around his shoulders and reached out. He had never touched another man’s cock before, and he felt anxious even with the blanket as a barrier. He wrapped one hand around it, immediately reminded of what Bjarni had done to him earlier. Slowly, he moved it up and down, surprised at how warm it felt even through the blanket. His other hand he used to pat down Bjarni’s balls and the thick hair covering his groin.

Above him, Bjarni let out a low groan of pleasure, and Eadwulf felt himself flush. Underneath his hand, he felt the cock harden and jerk in response to his touches. “Very good, my little wolf,” Bjarni grunted, looking pleased.

Eadwulf wanted to look away, but the strong hand on his head forced him to look at Bjarni’s groin. He released Bjarni’s cock and balls, holding the blanket to his chest. His eyes were glued to Bjarni’s half-hard cock, already bigger and redder than before, and he tried to imagine how big it would be if it were fully hard.

“And now for my arse, thrall,” the Viking above him said, still keeping Eadwulf down on his knees.

This was unfair. Eadwulf was shivering, clutching the blanket. The only way for him to dry the Viking’s arse without moving was by wrapping the blanket around Bjarni’s waist. This would put Eadwulf’s face right in front of Bjarni’s cock. He glanced up, and judging from Bjarni’s smirk, the Viking had the same idea.

He sighed, then leaned up a little so he could wrap the blanket around Bjarni’s body. He tried not to look at Bjarni’s groin, but the Viking’s impressive cock was so close it was unavoidable. Bjarni would only have to move Eadwulf’s head a few inches to make him kiss or lick it. He rubbed Bjarni’s cheeks dry, his fingers pressing against the Viking’s muscular arse and moving his groin even closer to his face. He let out another sigh, and watched the cock jerk in response to the warm air. “That’s enough for now,” Bjarni said, pushing Eadwulf away.

Eadwulf fell back, but was grateful to be done. He grabbed the other, dry blanket, and set to drying himself off while Bjarni put his clothes back on. What was it about the Viking and his touches that turned Eadwulf into some helpless and desperate maid? He resolved not to let Bjarni get to him like that again, no matter how good it felt or how strong the lust inside of him was. He wasn’t as strong as the Viking physically, but Eadwulf had a mental strength. The Viking would soon realise that.


Bjarni was feeling very pleased that evening. His trip to the lake to clean Eadwulf had gone very well, and he had enjoyed all of Eadwulf’s gasps and the moans he had tried to suppress. But Eadwulf’s body had betrayed him every time, leaning into Bjarni’s touch hungrily.

The sight of Eadwulf on his knees, the way he had looked up at Bjarni pleadingly as he had clutched the blanket was one Bjarni would not soon forget. He had been tempted to take Eadwulf there and then. It wouldn’t have been difficult, not with the lust Bjarni could see in Eadwulf’s eyes, no matter how much the smaller man tried to avoid Bjarni’s gaze.

But no, he wanted Eadwulf to ask for it, to beg for Bjarni’s cock. Only then would Bjarni be sure that Eadwulf was his loyal thrall, his for the fucking. And that meant taking his time and giving Eadwulf some space to think about what had happened at the lake. Eadwulf had had his chores, and several times Bjarni had checked on him, and always made sure to have his hand lingering on Eadwulf’s back or arm.

The result had been that Eadwulf had appeared very absentminded and quiet as he ate, and eventually Bjarni had ordered him to get some sleep. Eadwulf had trudged off to his bed gratefully, but if he thought he would be left alone now, the Saxon was wrong.

Dagmaer shook her head when Bjarni said he would fuck Eadwulf before joining her in bed. “It’s too soon, he won’t accept you,” she told him.

She hadn’t seen him at the lake. “He wants it,” Bjarni replied, smirking.

“Maybe, but does he know that?” she asked. “He seemed very confused today, thanks to you. I don’t think he has admitted to himself that he wants it.”

His wife was annoyingly observant sometimes. “Well, then I should probably help him admit it.”

She laughed at that, and he stood up. “Good luck, husband.”

He pulled his tunic over his head, and threw it at her. “I won’t need luck.”

Her quiet laughter still rung in his head as he strode into Eadwulf’s tiny room. It wasn’t as warm as the rest of the house, nor was the bed as big and comfortable as the one Bjarni shared with his wife, but it would do for a thrall. The Saxon was huddled under the furs, his back to Bjarni.

“I hope you’re not asleep, thrall,” he said, smirking as Eadwulf immediately turned around, wide-eyed and surprised. He watched Eadwulf look at him, those bright blue eyes lingering on his chest. Yes, tonight would be a good night. He took a few more steps forward, and kicked his boots off before undoing his belt. Eadwulf gulped at that, but didn’t move closer to the wall. His eyes were anxious, and he shifted in the bed restlessly.

Bjarni took that as a good sign as he pushed his trousers down and stepped out of them, standing at the edge of Eadwulf’s small bed completely naked. As he expected, Eadwulf’s gaze was drawn to his cock. The younger man was fascinated by it, and Bjarni smiled as Eadwulf licked his lips subconsciously. He had plans for those full lips and that tongue.

He grabbed the pelts Eadwulf wasn’t clutching, and pulled them up to get under them. Eadwulf was lying back, pressing himself against the mattress as Bjarni crouched over him, knees on either side of Eadwulf’s slim hips. He placed his hands above Eadwulf’s shoulders, and frowned at the Saxon’s attire, a long tunic that fell to his thighs. “That will have to go,” he grumbled. He grabbed the hem and pulled it up.

“Wait, what are you going to do?” Eadwulf asked, pushing at Bjarni’s stronger arms. “To me?”

Bjarni smirked down as he pulled the tunic further up Eadwulf’s body, revealing his soft cock and the golden curls of his groin. “Whatever I want, thrall,” he replied. He let the tunic fall on Eadwulf’s stomach, then started to stroke Eadwulf’s side, rubbing in circles. The younger man had such smooth, soft skin that Bjarni wanted to explore for hours. He enjoyed making Eadwulf gasp and squirm with his touches, liked the way Eadwulf bit his lip in an attempt to remain quiet.

When Bjarni’s hand slid down to take a hold of Eadwulf’s cock, Eadwulf groaned, throwing his head back. Bjarni could feel the smaller man underneath him arch into his hand. He moved his fist slowly but firmly as he had done earlier in the lake. Once again, Eadwulf’s hips moved of their own accord, bucking into Bjarni’s fist. The little noises escaping Eadwulf’s lips made Bjarni’s cock harder. When his eyes fluttered shut, Bjarni smiled. Not long now, surely.

He worked Eadwulf to full hardness. His cock was not as big or thick as Bjarni’s, but it suited Eadwulf’s smaller body perfectly. Once he was sure that Eadwulf was only thinking about pleasure, he released Eadwulf’s cock. The disappointed groan from Eadwulf’s mouth made the Viking smile. There was no doubt in Eadwulf’s eyes when he glared at Bjarni, only lust.

When he grabbed Eadwulf’s tunic again, the younger man was eager to help take it off, and soon the two men were naked. Eadwulf was panting, looking up at Bjarni expectantly, his eyes occasionally flickering down Bjarni’s body to his half-hard cock. That was when a small frown appeared on Eadwulf’s forehead, one of worry.

Bjarni lowered himself down by Eadwulf’s side, settling between the wall and the smaller man. Eadwulf could, if he wanted to, run out, but Bjarni was certain that he wouldn’t. Eadwulf lay there, still panting, waiting for the Viking’s next move. “Are you warm now?” he asked, placing his hand on Eadwulf’s chest, and rubbing his thumb over Eadwulf’s right nipple.

“Y-yes,” Eadwulf gasped, nodding his head. His arms were still resting on the bed, although his fingers were twitching, as if they were about to move.

Bjarni shifted closer, bringing their bodies together. His hardening cock rested against Eadwulf’s side, and he watched his eyes widen. He also felt Eadwulf’s hands come up to rest against his chest, a weak attempt to push him back. His own hand was still caressing Eadwulf’s chest and soon Eadwulf’s hands did the same to him, sliding through his chest hair and exploring his muscles. Another small battle won. “Good,” he replied, leaning down to nuzzle Eadwulf’s neck.

He smiled when Eadwulf winced a little at the feeling of Bjarni’s beard. The Saxon would get used to that in time. He scraped his teeth across Eadwulf’s tender skin, enjoying the resulting hitch in Eadwulf’s breath. The smaller man was so sensitive, so responsive.

“Have you ever fucked someone?” he asked, leaning back.

“No,” Eadwulf replied, glancing up at Bjarni. “We don’t do that until we are married.” His hands now lay still on Bjarni’s chest, one having followed the trail of his hair further down his stomach.

“Have you ever been fucked?” he asked, his hand stroking up and down Eadwulf’s chest possessively. The resulting blush on Eadwulf’s cheeks was all the answer he needed. The Saxon was a virgin, perfect. He would be the first to have him, to possess him. The only one to make him submit and enjoy being fucked. That thought, and the feeling of Eadwulf’s smooth skin had made Bjarni fully hard, and he started to rub his cock against Eadwulf’s side.

Eadwulf shifted away from him. “What are you doing?” he whispered, as Bjarni’s hand slid down his chest towards his cock again. “Ah!” Eadwulf started to push Bjarni away, but as Bjarni kept pumping up and down, Eadwulf’s determined expression became one of bliss, his protests became a moan and his hands lingered on the Viking’s skin, tracing the muscles of his stomach.

It was important that Eadwulf didn’t do too much thinking about things besides lust and pleasure, so Bjarni gave his cock a few firm tugs that had the smaller man moan and tremble. He nuzzled Eadwulf’s neck again, softly biting a sensitive spot and smiling at the whimper from Eadwulf. “What do you think, thrall?” he murmured into Eadwulf’s ear. “Soon you will beg me to fuck you.”

Eadwulf immediately froze, both his hands moving to shove Bjarni’s arm away from his cock. “No,” he said, determined. “No, I will never do such a thing.”

Bjarni easily resisted Eadwulf’s pushing, and kept moving his fist up and down Eadwulf’s cock. The lust would win. “Your body betrays you,” he said, as Eadwulf’s hips thrust into Bjarni’s firm grip. “It knows what it needs, thrall.”

“N-no,” Eadwulf managed, panting and still shoving at Bjarni. “I won’t beg for anything.” He glared up at the Viking. “Not from you, ever.”

He could simply grab Eadwulf, turn him over on his stomach and take him by force, but that wouldn’t be nearly as much fun as making the smaller man admit that he wanted to be fucked, that he belonged to Bjarni. “You will change your mind soon enough,” he said, forcing himself to remain calm. There were other ways to slake his lusts besides fucking. He let go of Eadwulf’s cock, enjoying the resultant gasp. They both lay in silence for a moment, Eadwulf still panting, his hands protectively near his groin.

“Does that mean you will leave me now?” Eadwulf asked, confusion in his eyes.

Leave now? With his cock hard and aching? Never. Bjarni moved up to crouch over Eadwulf again, grabbing his slender wrists and bringing them up over Eadwulf’s head. He pressed down firmly, looking into Eadwulf’s eyes as he did so. The smaller man struggled, but while Bjarni’s groin was vulnerable and within range, Eadwulf never tried to kick him there. This strengthened Bjarni’s feeling that Eadwulf wanted to be taken, but his pride and stubbornness kept him from admitting or asking for it.

He shuffled further up the bed, bringing his cock closer and closer to Eadwulf’s face. He would use the smaller man’s mouth for his pleasure instead, and watched the realisation dawn in Eadwulf’s eyes. His struggles ceased and his mouth fell open a little. Bjarni almost wanted to groan at that, at how perfect Eadwulf looked, already anticipating Bjarni’s hard cock in his mouth. Those lips were sure to bring him pleasure.

“Accept it, thrall,” he said, moving Eadwulf’s wrists together so he could hold him down with one hand. His other hand he used to guide his cock to Eadwulf’s mouth, letting the tip of his cock rest on those full lips. “You are mine.”

When Eadwulf opened his mouth further, no doubt to protest, Bjarni slid his aching cock inside and let out a groan of satisfaction. The wet heat was exactly what he needed. With his knees on either side of Eadwulf’s shoulders, it was easy to slide in deeper until he hit the back of Eadwulf’s throat.

Eadwulf made a noise at that, his eyes widening in panic until Bjarni pulled back a little. He wasn’t planning on choking the smaller man to death with his cock, so he kept his movements controlled for now. This had to be Eadwulf’s first time taking a man in his mouth, and no matter how much Bjarni wanted to thrust inside completely, he had to be careful. If Eadwulf could enjoy being used like this, it would be easier to make him beg for Bjarni’s cock in his other hole. “That’s it,” he said, as Eadwulf breathed in slowly through his nose. “Keep breathing like that. Doesn’t it feel good to know you are pleasing your master?”

Eadwulf’s words were muffled by Bjarni’s cock, but the Viking didn’t need to hear them to know that Eadwulf was objecting. The movements of Eadwulf’s tongue, however, felt good against his hot cock, and he shifted to get a better angle.

“Keep using your tongue like that, thrall,” he ordered, thrusting in and out of Eadwulf’s mouth slowly. While Eadwulf glared up at him defiantly, he did press his wet tongue against Bjarni’s hard cock, making the Viking moan with pleasure. The sight underneath him was as wonderful as he had imagined: Eadwulf’s full, pink lips stretched wide around his cock, his blue eyes filled with both anger and desire, his cheeks flushed from arousal.

As he let Bjarni fuck his mouth, Eadwulf kept shifting the rest of his body. One glance over his shoulder told Bjarni that Eadwulf’s cock was still hard.

“You are enjoying this,” he said, as he started to thrust harder and a little deeper. He wanted Eadwulf to be able to take his cock down his throat entirely, so this would be a good first lesson for the smaller man. “Your cock is still stiff, thrall. Still aching for pleasure. If you had begged me nicely to fuck you, perhaps I would have wrapped my hand around it again.”

Eadwulf began to squirm more underneath Bjarni, making more protesting noises. Bjarni groaned, enjoying the vibrations against his cock. He could feel his climax building in his balls, it wouldn’t be long before he would come. But did he want to come down Eadwulf’s throat and watch the Saxon struggle to swallow it all, or cover Eadwulf’s cheeks and mark him?

One look at the defiance in Eadwulf’s eyes made the decision easy: Mark Eadwulf as his by coming on his face so Eadwulf would know who his master was. The thought of it made Bjarni move faster, his climax closer and closer with every thrust. The feeling of Eadwulf’s tongue sliding against his cock was amazing, and it was very tempting to simply keep moving and let his come spill in Eadwulf’s mouth. “You are mine, thrall,” he panted, pulling back to remove his cock and wrap his free hand around it tightly.

Eadwulf lay still underneath him, his lips red and swollen, panting. “I won’t beg for anything,” he declared boldly.

Bjarni didn’t reply, he just held Eadwulf’s gaze as he pumped his fist. Only a few tugs were needed to make him come with a deep groan. A white streak landed on Eadwulf’s face, and the Saxon winced, trying to move his head out of the way for the next spurt, which ended up across his nose. “Mine,” Bjarni grunted, his hand still moving furiously. He wanted every last drop to end up on Eadwulf’s face. He squeezed out another load, marking Eadwulf’s other cheek, and the next landed on his swollen lips. “Taste it, thrall,” he said, his voice hoarse from exertion. “Taste your master’s come.”

After a long pause, Bjarni saw the pink tip of Eadwulf’s tongue dart out and touch the come on his upper lip before it slipped back in Eadwulf’s mouth.

“All of it,” he snarled, pressing down on Eadwulf’s wrists with his hand.

Eadwulf groaned, his mouth falling open and his tongue licking his lips properly, removing the white streaks. He swallowed, and looked up at Bjarni. “Happy?”

He smirked. “Very.”

“Now will you let go of me?” Eadwulf asked, squirming impatiently. His cheeks were still flushed. “I want to sleep.”

The Saxon no doubt wanted to use his hands to pleasure himself and wipe the come off his face, but Bjarni refused to let that happen. He looked around, and saw that the rope he had used as a leash for Eadwulf was lying on the floor next to bed. Shifting a little, he reached out with his free hand to grab it. “In a moment, thrall,” he replied, and began to wind the rope around Eadwulf’s wrists.

“What are you – stop that!” Eadwulf cried out, struggling against Bjarni now. “You can’t leave me like this.”

He tied the other end of the rope to the wooden headboard of the bed. Eadwulf would have enough room to let his hands rest on the pillow, but not enough to clean his face. Bjarni made sure the knot was tight before he climbed off Eadwulf’s chest. “I can do what I like,” he said, smirking. He then grabbed the furs to cover Eadwulf’s body again, as he didn’t what the younger man to be cold. “Let my come drying on your face be a lesson, thrall. You are mine.” Maybe it would help the Saxon realise that it was better to submit to Bjarni and admit he wanted to be fucked. He grabbed his clothes, and smiled down at Eadwulf, who was swearing at him. “I will see you tomorrow.”


Eadwulf woke up from something touching his wrists. He blinked, and winced at the ache in his jaw and his arms. As he opened his eyes properly to see Bjarni leave the room.

A hot feeling of shame ran through his body as he was immediately reminded of last night. There was still some rope wrapped around his wrists, Bjarni had used a knife to cut him free, and had then simply abandoned him.

Eadwulf closed his eyes for a moment, trying to collect his thoughts. Last night had been the most frustrating of his life. He had enjoyed Bjarni’s hands on him so much, had been hard and aching within minutes of the Viking getting in bed with him. He remembered how he had moaned and whimpered from the sheer pleasure. But when Bjarni had told him to beg, Eadwulf had felt angry. There was no way he was going to beg Bjarni to fuck him, it was far too humiliating to even consider it.

But his cock had a mind of its own, and had remained stubbornly erect, evidence that a part of Eadwulf did want to be fucked. Even when Bjarni had held him down and fucked his mouth Eadwulf’s cock had remained stiff. Being used like that had been humiliating as well, especially when Bjarni had come on him, the hot streaks branding him as the Viking’s.

When Bjarni had left him tied up, Eadwulf had struggled for a long time, wriggling to get out but the rope had been too tight. He had been forced to lie in bed, Bjarni’s come still drying on his cheeks and nose, the taste lingering in his mouth. And as he lay there, he couldn’t ignore the fact that his cock was still hard.

Eadwulf thought that had been the most humiliating part of all. That despite everything that Bjarni had done to him, the touching, asking him to beg, using his mouth, coming on his face and then tying him to the bed, that a part of Eadwulf had enjoyed it. Eadwulf didn’t want to think about the part of him that wanted to call Bjarni ‘master’, the part that wanted to submit to the Viking’s desires.

He sighed, then climbed out of bed. His cock, thankfully, was now soft again, and he put on his clothes. Today was a new day. He would clean the dried come off his face, and he would ignore the way his body reacted to the bigger man.

When he walked into the living area, he had hoped to be alone, but Dagmaer was there. She handed him the same bowl from yesterday. “You will need this,” she said, a smile around her lips.

He felt his cheeks burn and grabbed the bowl without looking her in the eyes. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the bowl. The white streaks were still clearly visible, and Eadwulf ran out to the well to fill the bowl with water. He splashed the cool water on his face and rubbed viciously to get it to come off.

When he returned, Dagmaer was still there, and calmly washed her own face. “You feel better now?” she asked, and put a small bowl of broth in front of him.

He nodded, and began to eat, grateful that Bjarni wasn’t here.

Dagmaer sat next to him, regarding him for a moment. “You are scared.”

He nearly choked. “What?”

“It is normal to be scared,” she continued calmly. “I was scared on my wedding night. Nervous. It is scary, to be fucked. To let someone inside of you.”

Eadwulf stared at his broth as his cheeks turned red. What could he say to that? “I can imagine,” he mumbled.

“I was scared I would be hurt,” Dagmaer explained. “And I did feel pain when my husband entered me for the first time. But I reminded myself that this was my husband, a good man. I made myself relax so my body didn’t fight him. I accepted him inside of me.” She smiled again. “The pain became pleasure.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Eadwulf asked, still blushing. He couldn’t believe that Dagmaer was essentially telling him that he should let Bjarni fuck him.

“To tell you that you should accept it too,” she replied. “It will hurt at first, but you will feel pleasure too.” Her smile grew. “A lot of pleasure.” She stood up, and put a hand on his shoulder. “Think about that, Eadwulf.”

He nodded. “I will,” he mumbled, hoping that would be the end of it, fully intending to forget her words.

She squeezed his shoulder. “Good. There is one more thing you should know.”

“Which is?” he asked, glancing up at her.

“Bjarni likes to be ridden hard.”

Eadwulf stared at her, his mouth falling open as she patted his shoulder and then walked outside. He tried to ignore the mental images that came to him, of himself in Bjarni’s lap, the Viking’s thick hard cock filling him as he moved up and down to fuck himself. He nearly whimpered at the thought of that, and he felt his own cock becoming hard again.

He groaned, and dropped his spoon in his bowl to bury his head in his hands. The day had barely started, and he wanted it to be over already.

For the rest of the day, Eadwulf told himself he was glad not to see much of Bjarni. The Viking had been away for the morning, and while he returned home in the afternoon, he mostly ignored Eadwulf.

Eadwulf felt his stomach lurch whenever he saw Bjarni, his mind immediately going back to last night. He could still feel Bjarni’s hands on him.

But why was the older man ignoring him? While Eadwulf was a little relieved, he also felt hurt. Did Bjarni change his mind? Didn’t he want to fuck Eadwulf anymore? Had he left that morning to see if he could sell Eadwulf to someone else?

The sadness he felt at that was stronger than Eadwulf had expected. The thought of being sold to some other Viking and never see Bjarni again hurt, and Eadwulf sighed. The last few days had been immensely confusing. He had felt things he had never experienced before, and he wanted more. Maybe Dagmaer had been right, he should accept that he wanted Bjarni.

But while admitting to himself that he wanted the taller man relieved some of his pain, that still left him with a Viking who was ignoring him. Even when Eadwulf talked to him Bjarni replied tersely, sending Eadwulf away on some chore.

As evening fell, Eadwulf thought it was hopeless. Here he was, willing to admit to Bjarni that he did want to be fucked, and Bjarni was giving him the cold shoulder.

Dagmaer ordered him to clean up after dinner, then announced that she would be visiting one of her friends. “I will only be away for a few hours,” she said casually, giving Eadwulf and Bjarni a meaningful glance each. “Enjoy your evening.”

He felt himself flush again, and glanced away from Bjarni as Dagmaer left. He started to gather the plates and knives, deciding it was best to carry out Dagmaer’s first order before thinking about her second.

“Come here, thrall.”

He nearly dropped the plates on the floor, surprised that Bjarni finally spoke to him. Putting the plates back on the table, he walked over to the chair Bjarni had been sitting in. His heart raced in his chest when Bjarni looked up at him. “Yes?” He hoped the Viking wasn’t about to tell him that he was selling Eadwulf to someone else.

“Tell me, do you want another night like last night, where I leave you frustrated and unsatisfied, or do you want me to fuck you?”

His heart skipped a beat, relief flooding through him. “You’re keeping me?”

Bjarni frowned. “Of course I am, you’re mine.” His frown turned into a smirk. “Or do I need to remind you?”

He felt his cheeks turn red. “I – no – I mean, not tonight,” he stammered. “I just thought that, well, you ignored me today and I thought you might want to sell me to someone else because you didn’t want me anymore.”

“I was ignoring you because you defied me yesterday,” Bjarni told him, smiling slightly. “It seems that upset you.”

“I wasn’t upset,” Eadwulf lied swiftly. “I was just... worried.”

Bjarni took a long sip from his ale. “You didn’t answer my earlier question, thrall. Do you want to be fucked tonight?”

His mouth was dry, but Eadwulf managed a reply. “Yes.”

The Viking smirked. “Yes, what?”

“Yes, master,” Eadwulf said, nervous but excited when Bjarni stood up and towered over him. This was it, he was going to get fucked by Bjarni. His cock was already hardening at the thought.

“Go to your bed and get naked,” Bjarni told him, his grey eyes dark with lust. “I will join you soon.”

Eadwulf nodded, unable to speak. While he did look forward to it, he was still anxious as well. With his trembling fingers it was difficult to get his clothes off, and he crawled under his furs, waiting for Bjarni. What could the Viking possibly need now? It also gave Eadwulf’s doubts time to grow. Had he done the right thing? What if it hurt? What if he hated it? What if Bjarni hated it?

“I knew you could be obedient.”

Eadwulf looked up at Bjarni, who was holding a small jar in his hands. “What’s that?” he asked.

Bjarni moved over to him, and handed him the jar. “Some oil to make it easier for me to fuck you,” he explained. “You won’t be able to take my cock without it.” He paused. “Well, you would, but it would hurt like nothing else.”

Eadwulf opened the small jar and sniffed. It had an oddly fresh herbal scent, but nothing he could immediately identify. He tentatively put one finger in. The oil felt slick and cold to the touch, and it dripped off his finger when he pulled it out, and he frowned slightly.

“It will be fine,” Bjarni told him, removing his clothes and dropping them on the floor. “Believe me, it won’t be long before you will be begging for my cock.

“We’ll see,” Eadwulf replied, sounding calmer than he felt. Bjarni’s cock was already half-hard and huge. He was beginning to wonder how and if it would ever fit inside of him.

Bjarni pulled the furs covering Eadwulf aside, and smirked when he saw Eadwulf’s hardening cock. “You want this.”

Eadwulf felt his cheeks flush. “I do,” he admitted, despite his nerves. “I don’t know why, but I do.” He shifted to let Bjarni get in bed with him, then gathered his courage to crawl into the Viking’s lap. He rested his hands on Bjarni’s shoulders then looked him in the eye, noting Bjarni’s surprise.

“You are bold for your first time, thrall,” Bjarni said. His big hands immediately travelled down Eadwulf’s sides to cup his arse, giving his cheeks a firm squeeze. Eadwulf felt himself jerk forward, his cock brushing against Bjarni’s thick cock and he gasped.

“Do you mind?” he asked. “It was just... your wife said...”

Bjarni smirked, his grey eyes locked with Eadwulf’s. “My wife said what, thrall?” he murmured, still fondling Eadwulf’s arse, his fingers already tracing a path between his cheeks.

“She said that – that,” Eadwulf paused to gasp from pleasure, “you like to be ridden.” He glanced down at the Viking’s cock, a stark contrast to his own. He reached down and needed both his hands to wrap around his and Bjarni’s cock, then moved his hands up and down, rubbing their cocks together.

Soon, Bjarni was moaning as well, thrusting his hips into Eadwulf’s hands. “She is right.” He looked at Eadwulf, his pupils blown. “You are more than welcome to ride my cock. All you need to do is to ask for it.”

His cheeks turned red, even though he kept pumping his and Bjarni’s cocks. He whimpered from the overwhelming sensations and from Bjarni’s demand. He had already said he wanted to be fucked, why did he have to say it again? “Do I have to?”

Bjarni nodded, panting. “Ask for it, thrall. Properly.” His bigger hand joined Eadwulf’s, grabbing hold of their cocks firmly and exerting more pressure.

The sudden rough touch made Eadwulf buck into Bjarni’s fist with a deep moan. “I want,” he gasped, before his courage ran out, “to ride your cock, master.” He still felt a little humiliated by having to ask like this, but at the same time there was some relief in saying the words. It was like a burden being lifted.

“Good thrall,” Bjarni replied, releasing Eadwulf’s cock. He grabbed Eadwulf by his hips and pulled him further into his lap. “Spread your knees wider so I can prepare you.”

Eadwulf nodded, doing as Bjarni asked, and bracing himself on the broader man’s shoulders. “I’m ready,” he said, although he had no idea if he really was.

Bjarni spread Eadwulf’s cheeks with one hand, and Eadwulf felt strangely vulnerable in this position. His own hard cock was resting against the muscles of Bjarni’s stomach, and he could feel every small movement the Viking made. With his other hand, Bjarni took the jar and put it next to him. “We will go slow tonight as it is your first time,” he said, sticking one finger in. “Next time you will require less preparation.”

He nodded again, hoping that he would enjoy it enough to want a next time. When Bjarni’s finger first probed at his hole, he winced, leaning forward into Bjarni.

“Let it happen, thrall,” Bjarni murmured. “Accept it.”

Eadwulf took a deep breath and made himself relax. Bjarni’s finger felt massive as it slowly slid inside of him. He forced himself to remain still as that finger slid in deeper and deeper. When it started to move, Eadwulf bit his lip. It didn’t hurt, but there was no pleasure either, not even when Bjarni moved it in and out of him like he would with his cock later.

Bjarni slid his finger out after a moment, and Eadwulf watched as he dipped two fingers in the oil. This time, it hurt more when the Viking slid those big fingers inside of him. He winced and squirmed, and only Bjarni’s tight hold on him stopped Eadwulf from wriggling out of Bjarni’s lap. “You asked for this,” Bjarni reminded him. “Now take it.”

Eadwulf panted, but nodded. He clung to Bjarni’s shoulders, digging in his nails when his hole stretched around the fingers. It hurt, but it was nothing he couldn’t take. The initial burn soon wore off and became a duller ache as Bjarni’s fingers slid in deeper. Soon they were all the way in and started to twist and turn inside of Eadwulf. Suddenly, they brushed against a spot that had Eadwulf shudder with pleasure.

Bjarni repeated the same movement a few times, and Eadwulf moaned helplessly, rolling his hips against Bjarni’s fingers as they kept thrusting in and out of him, each time brushing against that place that brought him such ecstasy.

“More,” he moaned, looking at Bjarni. “Please, more, I need it.” Desire and lust had taken over, there was no place for pride or shame now. He didn’t care that Bjarni was smiling smugly as he twisted his fingers inside Eadwulf to make him whimper and beg. He just needed to feel more.

“You want to be fucked?” Bjarni asked, thrusting his fingers in harder. “You want my cock, thrall?”

“Yes,” Eadwulf replied, panting and gasping. He moved up and down, crying out in pleasure. “Yes, I want it.”

“Beg for it properly,” Bjarni insisted as Eadwulf moaned again.

“Please,” Eadwulf managed, his cock brushing against Bjarni’s stomach with his every thrust, sending more sparks of pleasure through his body. “Please, master, fuck me, I want your cock.”

Bjarni smiled, then pulled his fingers out entirely. “Very well.”

While Eadwulf knew he had asked for it, he still groaned with disappointment at being empty. Now that Bjarni’s fingers were out of him, it was easier to think and he suddenly felt ashamed at how wantonly he had moaned and begged just then. He watched as Bjarni slicked up his big, thick cock. It was far larger than Bjarni’s fingers and Eadwulf remembered all too well how those had burned as they stretched him. He tried to focus on how good they had made him feel, but his mind was stuck on the pain.

If Bjarni noticed the doubt on Eadwulf’s face, he ignored it. Once his hard cock was slick, he took Eadwulf’s hips and lifted him up above his cock. With one hand he grabbed his cock to position it under Eadwulf’s stretched hole. Eadwulf watched, feeling nervous and anxious. Think of how good it would feel, he told himself as he lowered himself down until he felt the tip of Bjarni’s cock probe him. Focus on the pleasure.

Bjarni’s strong hands pushed him further down, and the Viking’s large cock pushed its way inside Eadwulf’s hole. It hurt and burned, and Eadwulf screamed from the pain. It felt like someone was shoving a massive beam in there. He wanted to get away, but Bjarni’s hold on him was tight.

“Accept it,” Bjarni told him as Eadwulf sobbed. He rubbed a soothing circle across Eadwulf’s lower back as he shuddered. “You can take it. Breathe, thrall.”

As he clung to Bjarni’s shoulders, Eadwulf did as Bjarni told him. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and breathed out. The pain was already subsiding, and he risked pushing himself further down Bjarni’s cock. He bit his lip to stop himself from crying out again. He could take this.

Slowly he pushed to let more of Bjarni’s big cock inside of him. It wasn’t easy, but the worst of the pain was going away, making it slightly easier for Eadwulf to relax. Bjarni kept rubbing soothing circles across his back and his stomach. “Let me help,” the Viking said, then wrapped his large hand around Eadwulf’s cock, which had gone soft.

The pleasure from Bjarni’s fist was a welcome distraction to Eadwulf, and he found himself sliding down more easily, and soon the head of Bjarni’s cock was inside of him. He looked down at the sight of Bjarni pumping his cock and how much of the Viking’s cock was still waiting for him. However, the worst was over and Eadwulf took comfort in that.

Inch by inch he felt Bjarni’s cock move deeper, filling him, but it still ached and hurt, despite Bjarni using his hand to pleasure him.

“I can’t,” he muttered, when he had to stop moving. He only had a quarter of Bjarni’s cock inside of him, and he couldn’t handle the thought of taking it more. It was too much, too big, too thick. He started to move back up, but Bjarni’s grip on his hip tightened and stopped him.

“No, thrall, you will take my cock, you can do it,” Bjarni assured him, still moving his fist up and down. “Look at me, thrall,” he said, as Eadwulf looked down and let out a whine. “Look at me.”

Eadwulf glanced up, his blue eyes meeting Bjarni’s grey ones. “I can’t, I’m sorry, but I can’t,” he managed. It hurt too much. He tried to move further up, but Bjarni stopped him again.

“You can do it, thrall,” Bjarni insisted, stroking Eadwulf’s cock. “Listen to your master, I know you can do it.”

Somehow, Bjarni’s words gave him courage to try again. “Yes, master,” he whispered, and started to move back down. Perhaps the brief respite had eased the pain, giving his hole time to get used to being stretched, but Eadwulf felt it was because of Bjarni’s words. The pain was subsiding, and it was easier to move down. He gasped as Bjarni’s cock slid in deeper than before. His thighs were trembling, but Eadwulf took a deep breath and as he breathed out, he pushed his hips down further. “Yes, master,” he whispered again.

“Good thrall,” Bjarni told him. “Accept it. Accept my cock.”

“Yes, master,” he murmured. It became a mantra, something to focus on as he let Bjarni’s cock fill him. He didn’t know how long it took him, but eventually he felt Bjarni’s thighs against his skin and knew he was filled completely. “Master,” he whispered, blinking in surprise that he had managed it. He felt a proud smile appear on his face, and Bjarni smiled back.

“I knew you could do it,” the Viking told him, then released his cock. “Now move, thrall. Fuck yourself on my cock. Ride your master.”

He almost laughed at needing to be reminded. Fortunately, from this moment things would be easier and hopefully more pleasurable. He braced himself, his hands still on Bjarni’s shoulders, then he moved up slowly, gasping at the feeling of Bjarni’s cock sliding out of him. He only moved up a few inches before moving back down. It didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t the overwhelming pleasure from Bjarni’s fingers either. As he carefully moved up and down a few more times, he rolled his hips to change the angle, to see what would bring him that pleasure again.

He leaned closer to Bjarni, who rested his hands on Eadwulf’s hips, and moved even further up. It was almost easy now to slide back down, and as he did, he felt Bjarni’s thick cock brush against that spot. Eadwulf paused, and squirmed in Bjarni’s lap. That was it, that was the right position, he was sure of it.

He grinned, which caused Bjarni to frown. “Don’t worry, master,” he said, and moved up slowly only to rapidly force himself down on Bjarni’s cock again, moaning as the Viking’s cock rubbed against that amazing spot inside of him. It felt so good, and Eadwulf moved his hips faster and faster, needing to feel that pleasure take over his body.

Bjarni was groaning as well, deep grunts every time his cock filled Eadwulf to the hilt. “Yes, thrall,” he gasped. “Faster, take my cock.”

Eadwulf threw his head back to let out a loud moan. He was riding Bjarni’s cock in earnest now, slamming his hips down and forcing the big cock deep inside him. “Master,” he panted. “It feels so good, so very good.” He had no words to describe how incredible it felt to fuck himself on the Viking’s thick cock.

Underneath him, Bjarni was moving his hips as well, thrusting his cock inside of Eadwulf whenever Eadwulf pushed down, making Eadwulf whimper. It was nearly too much pleasure at once, but he also never wanted this to end. But with Bjarni’s cock inside of him and his own cock constantly brushing against the skin and hair of Bjarni’s stomach, Eadwulf knew he wouldn’t last much longer. He was going to come soon, and he wanted his Viking to come as well.

“Please,” he gasped, looking straight into Bjarni’s eyes. “I’m so close, master, I’m going to come soon.”

Bjarni nodded, his dark eyes locked with Eadwulf’s. “Then show me. Show me how much you enjoy riding my cock and fucking yourself on it, thrall.”

Bjarni’s words made him shudder, and Eadwulf nodded. How could he disobey that command? “Yes, master, yes,” he moaned, moving faster and faster on the Viking’s cock. He could feel his climax building rapidly, and he cried out when the pleasure took over his body, more than he had ever felt before.

The feeling of bliss was over far too soon, and he let himself collapse against Bjarni, his face resting on the Viking’s broad shoulders. He realised that Bjarni’s cock was still hard inside of him, and he felt Bjarni start to move his hips impatiently, thrusting into Eadwulf.

He whimpered, his body still overwhelmed and not entirely able to handle those sensations. He also wished he could ride Bjarni’s cock, but his thighs wouldn’t move, still spent from before.

Bjarni didn’t seem to care, he simply moved Eadwulf’s hips up and down himself, as if Eadwulf weighed nothing. Eadwulf let him, still leaning heavily against the Viking, and moaning helplessly with every thrust. Bjarni’s speed increased, along with his grunts. Hot air ran down Eadwulf’s back, and Eadwulf wrapped his arms around the Viking, holding him tight.

“Come for me, master,” he whispered, closing his eyes again. “Fill me completely.”

Bjarni groaned, holding Eadwulf down as he thrust into him once, twice, before coming with a moan. Eadwulf whimpered as he felt hot spurts erupt from Bjarni’s cock inside of him. The Viking wrapped one arm around Eadwulf’s waist, then lay down on the bed, bringing Eadwulf with him.

Eadwulf shifted to let Bjarni’s cock slip out of him, wincing at the ache. He also noticed that his own come had ended up in Bjarni’s chest hair, and he smiled as he settled against the Viking’s side, resting his head on Bjarni’s shoulder again. He had now marked Bjarni as much as Bjarni had marked him.

“I told you you would enjoy it,” Bjarni told him, idly stroking Eadwulf’s hair.

“I did,” he replied softly. “But that doesn’t mean I will simply let you take me whenever you feel like it.” He knew that his body would still ache tomorrow, and perhaps even the day after. And he kind of liked struggling against the Viking and being held down by the stronger man.

Bjarni let out a laugh. “You are fortunate I don’t mind you being headstrong,” he said, ruffling Eadwulf’s hair. “So long as you remember who you belong to, my little wolf.”

Eadwulf smiled, pulling up the furs to cover himself and Bjarni. “To you, master. I belong to you.”


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