Making Much of Promises

Genesis 6:3, 13

Every promise in the book is mine,

Every chapter, every verse, every line.

Much as I hate to disappoint you, even though those words were written with great sincerity, they lack veracity. Think before you pick up stones to stone me. Many —dare I say most? —of the scriptural promises are ours to claim. But all? No, not all. To inadvertently claim “every promise in the book” could be disillusioning at best, disastrous at worst.

Some promises are uniquely historical in nature. They were made to specific individuals in a particular era. Because they fit only that unique combination, we are incorrect to say those are for us today. Here’s a prime example:

The LORD said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh. In the future, their normal lifespan will be no more than 120 years.” . . .

So God said to Noah, “I have decided to destroy all living creatures, for they have filled the earth with violence. Yes, I will wipe them all out along with the earth!”

GENESIS 6:3, 13

Frightening words. True words. And words an evangelist could use to get any number of people scared into the Kingdom. Could . . . but shouldn’t. Why? Because that doomsday promise was given specifically to Noah, having to do, specifically, with the flood that would cover the earth —and, in fact, did. The context of that promise was altogether unique. God not only warned the people, He fulfilled His word. The deluge finally came, 120 years after the Lord’s promise.

Pay close attention: God’s promises are delightful to study, but it’s unwise to push those round pegs into our square holes.

The secret? Stay alert. Don’t be afraid of God not keeping His promises. He has and He will continue to do so. But make an intelligent and careful study of the one(s) you choose to claim. Be certain they are rightfully yours.

Then take your stand on the promises of God. Maybe not all, but thousands of ’em are right there, waiting to be used . . . like perfectly shaped round pegs ready for your round holes.