Breaking Free
John 8:31-32
MOST OF US HAVE ATTITUDES that arrest our thoughts and lock them up in the prison of the status quo. Frowning guards named Fear, Perfectionism, Laziness, and Traditionalism keep constant vigil lest we attempt to escape. Here are my top ten “mental locks” that keep us prisoners shackled to our past: (1) We’ve never done that before; (2) I’ve always been this way; (3) Those are the rules!; (4) Where will you get the money?; (5) Try to be normal; (6) Don’t make waves; (7) Failure is not an option; (8) That’s not my responsibility; (9) We don’t have room; (10) He’s never going to learn.
What is true mentally is also true spiritually. Our thoughts and expectations can become so determined by the predictable, we no longer see beyond the walls. Example? The Pharisees. They were forever on Jesus’ case because His message and style —really, the freedom with which He went about His life —constantly challenged their steel-trap mind-set. What they considered truth He considered tradition. What they said was required, He said was hypocritical. Those they called leader and teacher (“Rabbi”) He called “blind guides.”
I say we listen to Jesus:
Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
JOHN 8:31-32
Before we get to feeling too smug, let’s be honest enough to admit there’s a little Pharisee in all of us (my good friend calls himself a “recovering Pharisee”). Harmful though it is, we find a lot of security in our iron bars and thick walls. You and I could list at least ten “spiritual locks” that hold us prisoner too. But the truth that Jesus offers sets our minds free, unlocks those shackles of negativity, and delivers us to a new life in Him.
You say you want to be different? You want to risk being innovative? You really desire to break free from your pharisaical ways but don’t know where to begin? Start here. Listen to and embrace the words of Jesus. Your chains will fall off, your heart will begin to sing, and you will be free. Free indeed . . . free at last!