Finding Refuge
Jude 1:20-21
AN OLD MARINE BUDDY OF mine came to know Christ after he was discharged from the corps. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard about it. Back when we were in the same outfit, he cussed loudly, drank heavily, chased women, loved weapons, and hated chapel services. Back then he and God weren’t on speaking terms. Then —miracle of miracles —through a chain of events too lengthy to describe, the guy was converted.
I’ll never forget the day we ran into each other. He put his hand on my shoulder and sighed:
Chuck, I’ll be honest. The only thing I really miss is that old fellowship all the guys in our outfit used to have down at the slop shoot [Greek for tavern on the base]. We’d sit around, laugh, tell some stories, drink a pitcher of beer, and really let our hair down. Man, it was great! I just haven’t found anything to take the place of those times, and I still need it! I ain’t got nobody to tell my troubles to, to admit my faults to. There isn’t anybody who will put his arm around me and tell me I’m still okay.
That man is a refugee in search of a refuge. He’s not alone. Enter: the body of Christ.
You, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, and await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bring you eternal life. In this way, you will keep yourselves safe in God’s love.
JUDE 1:20-21
All around us are refugees in search of a refuge —a person or group of people to build them up, pray for them, and make them feel safe in the body of Christ. It’s no easy task, given our limited margins of time and shallow resources. But becoming a refuge for a spiritual refugee is part of what it means to be in the body of Christ.
People don’t want to listen to a sermon when the bottom drops out. They want a refuge —a place to cry . . . a person to care. Stop and think. Who and where is your refuge?