Lightening the Load

Psalm 46:10

WHAT IS IT ABOUT our modern culture that drives us to the brink of burnout, no matter our age? Just trying to keep up with daily responsibilities if you’re a family of five, with school-age children to manage, a mortgage to pay, and a dog to keep groomed, calls for near supernatural abilities.

It’s bad enough just meeting the daily and weekly deadlines along with fulfilling some people’s expectations —ugh! —but when I include a bunch of other self-assigned projects, the stress level can approach the ragged edge of madness.

We all need to lighten up and relax. I’ve got enough people in my life who frown authoritatively and admonish me to get serious. I need a few who smile relaxingly and encourage me to kick back, loosen up, and laugh a little more. Don’t you agree?

I prefer to heed this simple exhortation from the psalmist of old:

Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.

PSALM 46:10

Do you still think everything is your responsibility? Do you still believe that the establishment of the Lord’s name on earth depends on your achieving outstanding ministry feats? Do you feel the pressure to raise honor roll children so they can grow up to be world changers, or the responsibility to complete that last post-graduate credential so you can achieve professional success? Think again. It seems the Lord has all of that under control. He invites in you . . . and in me . . . a stillness that brings Him more glory than all our frenzied activities could ever achieve. In the end, He will be honored by every nation, no matter what we have accomplished.