Damascus Road Musings
Romans 10:15
VARIOUS METHODS ARE employed to communicate the Good News of Christ to the lost. Some of the approaches appear to be successful on the surface, but underneath they leave much to be desired.
The Harvard Approach is quite different. The thinking behind this method is: Let’s all discuss the world’s religions. Because it’s reason centered, it attracts both genuine and pseudo intellectuals. It is invariably a vague discussion that shifts from Baha’i to Buddhism . . . from the pros and cons of no prayer in public schools to the rapid growth of the Moonies in the eighties. This approach is intellectual and occasionally quite stimulating, but it suffers from one mild drawback —no one ever gets saved! Specifics regarding salvation by grace through faith are frowned upon. The direct discussion of forgiveness of sins through Christ’s blood at the cross and His miraculous resurrection is about as welcome in a sophisticated rap session on religion as a life-sized bust of Martin Luther would be in the Vatican.
Perhaps the most popular is the Mute Approach, which promotes: I’m a silent witness for God. The best you can say about this method is that no one ever gets offended —that’s for sure! Somewhere down the line this person has begun to swallow one of Satan’s tastiest tidbits: “All God expects of you is a good, silent life. Others will ask you about Christ if they are interested in hearing.” You know, I can count on one hand (and have fingers left over) the number of people in life of over eighty years who have come up and asked me about Jesus Christ. While no one can discount the value of a godly life, that alone never brought anyone into the family of God.
God’s Word offers a better way. Here’s how Paul expressed it:
How will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”
ROMANS 10:15
Ask the Lord to provide an opportunity for you to be His messenger. As soon as that opportunity presents itself, open your mouth and share the Good News about Christ. Then watch Him work.