MAY 21
God’s Not Deaf
1 Kings 17:21-24
EVER WONDER IF God has gotten hard of hearing?
I know my kids and grandkids tease me about noticing the inevitable signs of aging. A minor stumble now and then, a little forgetfulness, a pinch of grumpiness.
Thankfully, my hearing may be one of the last things to wane.
But you need to know, God’s hearing is perfect —and it’s especially tuned to the voice of His children.
Prayer is the act of faith that believes God is not deaf. That He lovingly and graciously hears our voices and attends to the cries of our hearts.
In our age of fast-breaking technological advances and the hyped celebration of human ingenuity, most people find little time or urgent need to turn to the Almighty when facing life’s challenges.
But for you and me doing just that, in the small matters as well as the grave ones, is foundational for experiencing God’s best —both for ourselves and for our families.
When the grieving widow stood over the lifeless body of her only son, she reached out in desperation to the prophet Elijah. Drawing close to the boy Elijah prayed:
“O LORD my God, please let this child’s life return to him.” The LORD heard Elijah’s prayer, and the life of the child returned, and he revived! Then Elijah brought him down from the upper room and gave him to his mother. “Look!” he said. “Your son is alive!” Then the woman told Elijah, “Now I know for sure that you are a man of God, and that the LORD truly speaks through you.”
1 KINGS 17:21-24
What is it that you need to lay out before the Lord today? Is there any reason you’re hesitating . . . insisting on trying to figure things out on your own? God is not deaf. He will hear your voice. Even if it comes as a whisper.