Much like the princes, I couldn’t have done it alone. Endless thanks go to Noelle Howey, my secret weapon. I can’t say how lucky I am to be married to one of the best writers and editors alive. I get love, support, and expert literary advice all in one place. I can’t even count how many plot holes, inconsistencies, and awful jokes my readers were spared thanks to Noelle’s keen insight and good taste. We all owe her, really.

I also need to thank my daughter, Bryn, who, in addition to being the inspiration for Lila, also functioned as my test audience and was never afraid to say, “This part could be better, Dad.” Thanks also to her brother, Dashiell, for remaining a solid fan despite his unhappiness with the book’s lack of ninjas.

Gratitude must be expressed to my agents, the always supportive Jill Grinberg, who urged me to go for it when I first mentioned this whole Prince Charming idea, and the incredible Cheryl Pientka, who worked enough magic in getting this book sold to make me feel like I was in a fairy tale myself.

And a heaping helping of encomiums to Walden Pond’s Jordan Brown, who championed this book from the moment he read it and always pushed me to improve it. Working with Jordan has been a crash course in creating middle-grade fiction. And a whole lot of fun, to boot. To have an editor with such boundless enthusiasm and energy—not to mention one who knows his stuff so well—has been an amazing experience.

Last but not least, thanks to everyone who read Hero’s Guide in its earlier incarnations and provided priceless feedback: Neil Sklar, Ivan Cohen, Christine Howey, Brad Barton, Evan Narcisse, and Katelyn Detweiler. Every note and comment made a difference.