About the reviewers

Scott Hutchinson leads a team of C++ and F# developers in Oxnard, California. After a few years as a VB/VBA developer, he started developing with .NET Framework immediately after its launch in 2002. Since 2016, he has done most of his development in C++. He is a mentor for the F# track on Exercism, and teaches functional programming in F# to his team at work. His main professional interests are functional programming and machine learning. When he's not learning some new software development skill, he's usually hiking in the mountains of Southern California.






Daniel Durante is an author and technical editor for Packt Publishing, a consultant and strategist for multiple Fortune 100 companies, and has been a full-stack developer since the age of 12. His code exists in infrastructures such as Hubcash, Stripe, and Walmart.

He has worked on text-based browser games that have reached over 1,000,000 active players, created bin-packing software for CNC machines, embedded programming with Cortex-M and PIC circuits, built high-frequency trading applications, and helped contribute to and maintain one of the oldest ORMs of Node.js (SequelizeJS). He has worked on various books such as Rust Standard Library Cookbook, PostgreSQL Developer's Guide, and Rust Programming By Example, among many others.

I would like to thank my parents, my brother, my mentors, and friends who have all put up with my insanity sitting in front of a computer day in and day out. I would not be here today if it wasn't for their patience, guidance, and love.