Many thanks to the publications in which the following poems previously appeared:
8th World Wilderness Congress Poetry Award: “And the Geese Redeem Me”; A Year of Being Here: “Yesterday, on the familiar trail”; Alaska Magazine: “East Fork” (as part of “The Questions We Ask: A Quartet”); Canary: “another form,” “Birch I,” “Campbell Creek, August 5th,” “Refugium,” “Whales at Night,” “Yesterday, on the familiar trail”; Cirque: “At a Poetry Reading,” “every rock,” “Rock Poem,” “The Beating Heart, Minus Gravity,” “The Fantastic Skies of Orphan Stars,” “the warm dark,” “Yesterday, on the familiar trail”; Cold Mountain: “Orionid”; Cordella: “skull”; Deep Wild Journal: “Not the Moon”, “Whales at Night,” “Yesterday, on the familiar trail”; Entropy: “Birch I,” “Sphagnum,” “Sundew: from that which appears inconsequential”; Ice Floe: International Poetry of the Far North: “Dispatch from Siberia,” “Geminid,” “Marbled Murrelets,” “Prodigal” (as “Each Spring”); ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and the Environment, Oxford UP: “How to Grieve a Glacier,” “Passing Through the Barren Islands,” “The Outer Coast”; Orion: “Fortuitous”; Poetics for the More-Than-Human World: “with”; Rewilding: Poems for the Environment: “Dispatch from Siberia,” “How to Grieve a Glacier”; The Hopper: “skating after many moons”; Wards: “Culross Passage, Five Months After”; and Writing Nature: “In the Garden, Early May.”
Every book is a collaborative effort, and this one’s no different. I’m grateful for all the humans who helped bring this book to life, especially Lisa Couturier (without whom), Peggy Shumaker, Carol Hult, Ellery Akers, Liz Bradfield, Ann Fisher-Wirth, Joeth Zucco, and, always, my son, James Holleman, and my husband, Rick Steiner.