The tops of the spruce seem to move
though there isn’t a breath of wind
and they don’t sway as one but instead
each needle, it shimmers as if—
In central America, people are using
nothing but sight to record
the respiring breath of each plant
from leaf to rainforest air:
to see a plant exhale.
My teacher says all violence
would subside, if not disappear
if each of us, everywhere, just
paid attention to our breath.
in. then out.
It’s so easy we don’t even have
to think about breathing but when
I listen and wait for call and response,
I learn there’s just so much I—
A scientist claims that the breath
of plants can save us from
warming climates and acid seas
if only we’d re-green our world.
to relax, exhale twice as long.
Once I sat on a rock that had
recently been under a river of ice,
shaped now by the softest green moss
so gently it felt like a breath.