27. Contacting Your Higher Self

Your higher self is your spiritual self, your conscience, your soul. It’s the real, inner, unlimited you. It connects the mental and physical sides of your nature with the spiritual, and is the part that lives on and reincarnates when this lifetime comes to an end. It is calm and serene, and is unaffected by the actions of your mind, body, or ego. It is the real you, beyond your personality. Your higher self can provide guidance and wisdom to help you at every stage of your life. You make direct contact with your higher self whenever you’re totally absorbed in doing something you love. You can communicate with your higher self more efficiently by developing your psychic abilities and trusting your intuition, which is your higher self talking to you.

Your pendulum will help you communicate with your higher self whenever you wish.

Sit down quietly with your pendulum in your hand. If it’s moving, stop it. Take several slow, deep breaths to help you relax as much as you can.

Visualize your higher self. You might imagine him or her as a close friend sitting beside you. You might imagine yourself surrounded by a warm, loving, comfortable energy. You might imagine yourself sitting in the most beautiful place you can imagine, and have a sense that your higher self is there with you. It makes no difference how you visualize your higher self, as long as you have a sense of him or her before you start your conversation.

Silently or out loud say, “I have some questions and need to speak with my higher self.” Pause and see what response your pendulum makes. If it gives a positive response, you can immediately start asking questions of your higher self. You might ask your higher self for a message that will help you handle matters going on in your life. You might ask for serenity and peace of mind.

If the pendulum fails to move, or gives a negative response,
put it down. Stand up and shake your arms and legs vigorously. Drink some water. If you’re feeling hungry, eat a few nuts or raisins.

Sit down again and think of your reason for calling on your higher self. As your higher self is an intrinsic part of you, you should be able to speak to and with it whenever you wish. Consequently, your higher self would never produce a negative response for no reason. If the problem is something that you can resolve easily, you may not need to discuss it with your higher self. If that’s the case, swing your pendulum clockwise and thank your higher self for looking after you.

If your reason for communicating with your higher self is important, wait about thirty minutes before repeating the first steps. This time you should receive a positive response.

The ability to connect and communicate with your higher self will improve every aspect of your life. You’ll view yourself, the people you deal with, and even life itself, in a completely different way. You might decide to have regular conversations with your higher self. This has many benefits. It will, for instance, enhance your intuition, empower you to set and achieve your goals, quiet your mind, and allow you to learn from all the wisdom that’s freely available to you.
